Tombs of Ice misprint or missing card?

By DeltaEcho, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi everyone, I found myself skimming through the rule book of Tombs of Ice and found a slight problem, and I'd like to know if anyone else has the same problem.

On page 3, in the list of components, it states there are 12 new overlord cards. On page 4, under 'New Overlord Cards', it states that you should include the Lava Beetle Scouts, Shade Spooks, Lone Medusa, and Lone Wendigo cards.

Now this is where my problem begins: I do not have the Lone Wendigo card, but I do, however, have 12 new overlord cards. Did the sorting machines mess up with me and I got an extra card, or was this a missprint and there's really 13 new overlord cards and I just lost my lone wendigo? My full list of cards is this: Shade Spooks, Lava Beetle Scouts, Lone Medusa, Lava Beetle Colony(T), Host of Haunts(T), Mother Medusa(T), Prowling Wendigo(T), Spell of Thunder(T), Sneak Up On the Prey(X2/T), and Frozen Path(X2/T).

(T) means it's a treachery card, (X2/T) means I have two of these treachery cards. Thanks for any replies in advance.

You do not have a broken copy, everyone that has has Tomb of Ice has the same issue. However, it was a mistake that was missed when they printed the rules. It seems the card was ommited at the final stage but not taken out of the rule book. Fear not, your copy is fine :)

I have the same problem. 12 Overlord cards and no "Lone Wendigo". Looking for it did cause me to resort the whole game with all I guess something good came from it...sort of.