This game seems heavily geared to being able to play by yourself while at same time a multiplayer game. I don't get much chances to play my board games so this is great. But what are your opinions? It seems rather difficult to win in my opinion as a solo player or maybe I'm just paranoid and under impression that every Mythos style game is 99% guaranteed to end with you dying.
Solo Play
It may very well be doable solo, but you'll miss out on a lot of card interactions I imagine, seeing as how in the first deluxe expansion they are already doing cards that only have an affect with another investigator. I also worry about seekers and rogues in some situations. Imagine getting two or three monsters early from the encounter deck. Unless you have a quick way to deal with them, evading seems to only get you so far if they re-engage each turn. Then it seems you might get in the position to use two or three actions a turn on evading which obviously means spending turn after turn of just dealing with monsters. Only time and the rules will tell.
Edited by Doma0997It may very well be doable solo, but you'll miss out on a lot of card interactions I imagine, seeing as how in the first deluxe expansion they are already doing cards that only have an affect with another investigator. I also worry about seekers and rogues in some situations. Imagine getting two or three monsters early from the encounter deck. Unless you have a quick way to deal with them, evading seems to only get you so far if they re-engage each turn. Then it seems you might get in the position to use two or three actions a turn on evading which obviously means spending turn after turn of just dealing with monsters. Only time and the rules will tell.
This is a reason I bring this up I wanna be a Seeker as Daisy and Agnes are my preferred characters in Core.
One alternative is to play multiple decks at once. I've found LotR more fun to play single player if I'm using two decks at once. It's takes some getting used to, but should be easier for AH; smaller decks and just one investigator instead of 3 heroes in LotR.
That's how I'm planning on playing AH most of the time, though I know a couple people I'll try to get interested in the game.
The problem is the 'bookeeping' of such an endeavor...
I too think that a single character is going to have a hard time dealing with both the combat and investigation part of the game. Roland is probably the best bet if you are going to do that since he is a main combatant and his sub class is seeker. His ability also allows him to get clues through combat.
Agnes would be my next choice after him as it seems her spells can allow her to do both. Daisy can't fight and Skids can't investigate well. Wendy can't do either but could probably squeak by.
I think the game will play better with 2 characters. Then they can each focus on either combat or investigation. With 3 or 4 characters, players have more options but the enemy agenda will be advancing faster with more encounter cards reveals since it doesn't scale but the clues requirements does.
But it is a 1 to 2 player game if your not inclined to buy another core set so.. They must be able to balance it for 1p
I expect to be doing the deck building, at least initially, for both of us when I,m playing 2 player, so I'll probably play two handed solo as well. Three handed solo is a possibility too!
I donno It just seems hard to keep track of things that way for me. Then again playing by yourself with competitive card games might be harder then a co-op game...
I think if you play one investigator, you'll be at the mercy of the encounter deck. Sure, getting a couple monsters in a row could spell doom, but for instance the first area in the first scenario needs only two clues per investigator to move on. That's only two actions that you have to succeed at. Heck, maybe some scenarios will be too easy with only one investigator. It's all speculation at this point.
I think if you play one investigator, you'll be at the mercy of the encounter deck. Sure, getting a couple monsters in a row could spell doom, but for instance the first area in the first scenario needs only two clues per investigator to move on. That's only two actions that you have to succeed at. Heck, maybe some scenarios will be too easy with only one investigator. It's all speculation at this point.
2 per investigator then 3 per investigator i seems like as a 1p be easy to get clues.
I've played LOTR double handed, so 6 heroes, resource matching etc, for a few few years, so I think playing this game two handed will be much easier to handle in comparison.
Still I wanna try solo with one investigator. If Daisy's subclass is Mystic she'll be able to handle any ghoul rather easily.
... It seems rather difficult to win in my opinion as a solo player...
Thats one of my main motivation to play this game. Had a very hard time playing some of LOTR scenarios solo (didnt try everyone... yet) so if I can pull it off the satisfaction is much more intense.
... It seems rather difficult to win in my opinion as a solo player...
Thats one of my main motivation to play this game. Had a very hard time playing some of LOTR scenarios solo (didnt try everyone... yet) so if I can pull it off the satisfaction is much more intense.
Well I don't want instant lose but hopefully a bit tougher then Super Dungeon solo
I'm planning to play through the campaign solo with Wendy. She fancies herself a Survivor so I'll give her a chance to prove it.
I don't get much chances to play my board games so this is great.
I don't get much chances to play my board games so this is great.
I'm planning to play through the campaign solo with Wendy. She fancies herself a Survivor so I'll give her a chance to prove it.
It's okay, Wendy is used to being alone.
Meany Wendy deserves love and a big tough PI to protect her the demo at Gen practically tells you their lovers!
I really prefer playing just a single investigator/deck. Managing two decks is not fun for me.
I have high hopes this will work well in AHLCG. The Investigators are more well rounded than in other games.
Each core investigator has access to cards from two classes plus neutrals so regardless of their main class we should be able to buff them up a bit to deal with most things.
The scenarios don't seem to be so much about winning or losing, but rather gaining what you can from each scenario as you progress through the campaign. So as long as I gain some experience and enjoy the game play, being defeated doesn't mean ending the game (though it does mean taking trauma).
There seem to be several ways with dealing with various issues. Cards might make some characters better at investigating, but everyone can buff a test to investigate if they have the right icons on cards in their hands. Or maybe they have cards that let them gain the clues in other ways? Or evading monsters instead of fighting them? Having multiple ways through a situation should let each investigator deal with things in their own way with some chance of success.
There are multiple difficulty levels, and since it's possible playing a single investigator solo is more difficult, I'll just play the game on Easy until I see if it's TOO easy and then adjust.
The game is designed to scale based on the number of investigators. So the Act cards appear to require a number of clues times the number of investigators. Fewer investigators means less tokens to have to gain in order to advance. Who knows what other mechanics will also be scaled this way? Hopefully enough to make 1 player solo a great experience.
The game is listed as 1-4 players. My hope is that this is an honest evaluation and that 1 player, as designed (not one player playing 2 investigators), will be very playable and very fun!
I guess we'll find out soon. For those of us who prefer playing just 1 investigator and 1 deck for a true solo experience, I think this is a great chance to find the game we've been waiting for.
Well said I hope that literally solo play be viable as I'm quite eager to try and be a great way to make a roleplaying blog.
"Daisy was in her study when the strange chanting began..."
Meany Wendy deserves love and a big tough PI to protect her the demo at Gen practically tells you their lovers!
Wait, are we shipping Arkham Horror investigators now? Because if so, I'm declaring my allegiance to team Zoey/Agnes.
Dibs on Roland/Skids.
Was more a joke then anything.