I need some advice on how to handle an upcoming situation dealing with a space scenario.
The very experienced (800 XP) crew of the PC's starship has been sent to the planet Nava to obtain some valuable information.
The star system they are about to jump into is a very young star system with upwards of 30-40 planets and planetisimals, and lots of comets, asteroids, dust, etc. They are going to find that almost every full planet is shrouded in the dust and have rings. Between them and the planet that they want is an Imperial presence, consisting of a Star Destroyer and it's compliment of TIE fighters.. As the system is an unknown system, as soon as they jump in, the Imperials will know that they are unauthorized and will act accordingly. The planet has a tracking system that the Imperials use to plot courses through the debris, but this will not be available to the players.
I planned on using the normal rules for starship travel (Speed/Silhouette) and add Setback dice to represent the sheer amount of debris that is around, but I wanted to give the Imperials some advantage as they are tied into a tracking system and should be able to avoid the worst of the debris.
The Star Destroyer will remain near the planet and will attempt to grab them with a tractor beam as they get closer.
If they can make their way to the planet's atmosphere they can escape into the dust clouds enveloping the planet.
1) Are the normal rules for starships (Sil/Speed) with Setbacks enough for the situation outlined above? If so, how many Setbacks would be necessary? Or do you think extra Upgrades would be appropriate.
2) Would the sheer amount of dust and debris slow the ship down when considering traversing range bands?
3) If the PC's run, I plan on using the CHASE rules, but what advantages would the TIES gain because they have tracking data? Would upgrades or Boosts be more appropriate?
4) In a Chase scenario, how can I represent the Star Destroyer waiting by the planet ready to grab the PC's ship?
5) How much would sensors be affected by the debris? And would having a non-pilot use the Co-Pilot action, or Plot Course, be enough to represent tracking a course through the system and should these difficulties be increased.
6) Should all the ships gain some advantage when being targeted as due to the debris, or is this something that is already taken into consideration with the ship computers.
7) Once (if) they make it to the planet, is a Stealth roll appropriate for hiding?
Thanks for the insight in advance.