Deck Boxs?

By Hpnotiqcrunk, in Star Wars: Destiny

Excited to see this game once it releases! I am pre-ordering an additional set for my nephew this holiday season (in-advance pre-orders). I'm new to the collectable card game approach, but does anyone have any insight on the following:

I saw the starter kits have 24 cards + 9 dice / tokens. If I end up purchases both starters and lets say 5 boosters, which deck box should I consider? I saw a bunch of video review for the Ultra Pro Satin Tower Deck Box, but I feel like it wouldn't hold all the dice / tokens? If not a backup plan looked like the Ultra PRO Dual Deck Box (maybe one side for the deck of cards + tokens and the other to hold all the dice)?

Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks! :D

Plano style tackle boxes (small ones...with a compartment big enough to hold cards) are probably the way to go with this game.

those dice are pretty chunky.

Edited by Hidatom

I am using a dice bag for transport of everything I will play with, the cards in a slim deck box, dice, tokens. E Z P Z

I actually think this may be the first game where the OP cardboard boxes and dice bags might be better than the Ultra-Pro Satins (or similar).

The Satins definitely don't have enough room on the bottom for the Dice. I am not a huge fan of the idea of Planos either, because for a card game that's a large and irritating bit of plastic to carry around just to house a deck and some dice, even if you go relatively small.

A Cardboard Deck Box for the cards (probably 3-4 decks sleeved) and a dice bag or two for the dice and tokens makes much more sense and is easier to carry around. If you limit yourself to only a couple of decks, you can probably get it all in one of the boxes too.

Are the dice larger than Dice Masters dice? That seemed like a comparable game, if I went the Plano route.

Much larger.

At least twice as large as DM dice. (But it's doubtful that a constructed deck will have more than 20.)

Are the dice larger than Dice Masters dice? That seemed like a comparable game, if I went the Plano route.

The dice are about 22mm, which is the size of dice from King of Tokyo or Seasons. This works out to them being about 2x the size of a dicemasters dice

Late to this conversation, but for Magic I've been using the Fantasy Flight Supply Deck Box for years. It would hold 2-3 decks and I can hold 9 d20s in the dice box attachment so I bet you could hold quite a few more of the dice for SW Destiny

FFG deck boxes are lacking. So many better options on the market

Late to this conversation, but for Magic I've been using the Fantasy Flight Supply Deck Box for years. It would hold 2-3 decks and I can hold 9 d20s in the dice box attachment so I bet you could hold quite a few more of the dice for SW Destiny

FFG deck boxes are lacking. So many better options on the market

If you are talking about the sold plastic ones, I agree. The dice for Destiny will be too large so deck + dice is unlikely, and honestly the Ultra Pro boxes are similar but better quality and I don't think they will work here either.

I think most people are talking about the OP cardboard ones (and, presumably, dice bags at some point), which, while simple, get the job done. Bonus is they are free if you do OP =).

the plastic inserts in the retail packaging hold twice as many dice as they come with. and will make for a good organiser.

the plastic inserts in the retail packaging hold twice as many dice as they come with. and will make for a good organiser.

That was a nice touch to the packaging. Now time to get those dimensions and put it in to something pretty!

the plastic inserts in the retail packaging hold twice as many dice as they come with. and will make for a good organiser.

That was a nice touch to the packaging. Now time to get those dimensions and put it in to something pretty!

I wonder how they will fit in the "deck boxes" being given out at the pre-release...

I wonder how they will fit in the "deck boxes" being given out at the pre-release...

Get in there, you big plastic oaf!

I'm fairly sure the starter deck inserts will stack into each other for maximum storage and organisation.

this video shows them pretty clearly.

maybe buying two of each starter will be a boon for the extra inserts!

Edited by TylerT

I have this one for my EotE, AoR and F&D Encounter Cards and dice.

With a little modification I think this could work out quite nice, if the top tray holds a deck box (or I make a cardboard box to suit) that should manage about 24 dice (the dice tray included holds 3x4). The dice tray would be better used for the tokens.

Did some tests and the top bay will hold 2 decks in sleeves, the tray will hold the tokens and the bottom bay holds a 3 x 4 x 5 stack of dice.


Edited by Amanal

So this one looks awesome


But I'm not sure how many dice would fit in there, and I'm not sure how many dice I would expect to need to carry around? Maybe 8 per deck? 10? You could fit 2 decks in there so it would probably need a bigger dice container.

Those boxes are beautiful! I hope someone gets really clever with creating a beautiful box for this game. I love the utility and efficiency of those last two photos.

After searching around online and checking prices. I think I'm going to go with this one.


It's only $15 on Amazon and much bigger than it looks. I'll put the tokens in a little bag in the door, dice in the bottom, cards in the top. Can fit three decks in the top easily (it stores over 100 sleeved cards) and bottom slot is just as big so should easily hold 30-40 dice.

So this one looks awesome....

But I'm not sure how many dice would fit in there, and I'm not sure how many dice I would expect to need to carry around? Maybe 8 per deck? 10? You could fit 2 decks in there so it would probably need a bigger dice container.

A standard card is 64mm wide, so allowing a little for the sleeve it will be quite snug for 66x66mm of dice. (Maybe too snug.)

As these boxes are sold by the stores that import FFG gear into Australia, I would trial a box at a launch event if you don't already have one.

Mind you the benefit of the three tier box is you can store cards, dice and tokens, but the box is untested, the only advantage I have is I already have it with some RPG cards.

@inquisitorsz, link please?

Dice bag with small deck box for me. Made the bag myself 8)

I found a quick video about it too.

You can see the size of it better in the video. It's certainly big, but if you're going to be carrying around a bunch of dice then you'll probably need something a bit bigger.

The one is posted earlier (also in the video at 0:40) has a smaller draw but I'm worried that it won't be big enough for the dice and tokens. That smaller one is also a bit fancier material so more expensive.

Trying it out in store is a good idea, but they are all blood expensive locally. We're talking like $50 per box rather than $14+ shipping online.

Dice bag with small deck box for me. Made the bag myself 8)

Usually I'd be on board with that, I have dice bags for IA and X-wing that I also put some tokens into but those games have so much extra stuff you need a case or whatever anyway.

With this, it would be nice to keep it all in one box. You can certainly have a box with a dice bag and cards though.

That's also why I'm looking for a cheap option. There's heaps of awesome boxes out of leather and wood and whatever, but they are bulky, heavy and expensive.