N-Type Human / Adopted Combo

By erc1971, in UFS Deck Building

A friend of mine and I recently got into the game, and we play it casually. He bought the Haohmaru startter deck - in it he uses N-Type Human to inflate his momentum deck, then uses Adopted to keep healing himself.

I purchased the Chun-Li and Mai starter decks, and obviously get my rear end handed to me every match because of the above combo. Are there any good cards out there that work well with Chun-Li or Mai that could help counter the combo? We aren't worried about banned cards (hell, my friend's Haohmaru deck came with 2 copies of The Noble Scion of the Odious Bloodline - I really don't mind, especially since it works against his uber combo, hehe) - again, we are casual player's and aren't worried about tournament rules.



You could use some cards to discard all that momentum he's building up although specific cards escape me (especially in the Water symbol that I think those two share...). If you can use Void, All or Earth, Mortal Strike (out of the Ryu vs Akuma battle box) is fantastic, or from any of Earth/Good/Void there are cards in King's support from the Tekken set. There's also Absurd Strength , but it's a little overpowering for casual games :3

Alternatively, you could use something that shuts down the lifegain (particularly Zhao Daiyu's support from ShadoWar), or something that stops him from modifying control checks ( Destiny from the Street Fighter set with Rose in it comes to mind)

Seriously if you cant kill hohamaru starter deck character then you suck hard nuts....

stop being so bad

Yoko, if you dont have something positive to contribute DONT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL...

eric, if you want i can try to make you a deck that can work for you for either of those 2 charcters, i'm well known for making decks on a budget that are both fun and competitive. Those starters are Mai5 and Chun-Li5 right?


Have you tried not gaining momentum? N-Type won't work if you don't have monentum.

Play with the cards in Blk 4, the attacks are so aggro that your friend probably won't have enough time to set up his combo

also if you're playing with a lot of older cards, look for cards like Geyser Thrust this PUNISHES your opponent for having too much momentum, another card that will help is Speek the Truth as you just start gaining back all that damage he dealt to you if he just went off on you, and another one that just shuts down BOTH of those cards is Ikari Warrior, ok he gets a momentum, Blow up Ikari; k you have 0 momentum now, good luck getting N-Type to work again.


Just for the record my friend posted my above comment from my account, because he thought it would be funny.