Armada Table Top League

By remmbermytitans, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Hey FFG friends,

We've nearly completed our first 'season' of a Armada TableTop Simulator League, and we're extending an invitation out to you all here at the FFG forums. Initially we started with Reddit users only, and kept it small, but we're ready at this point to invite more users!

It's an eight game season, with one game being played a week. We're going to be using tournament points for scoring, and at the end of the season, we'll have a playoff based on your final standings. (Top tier players are competing in championship playoffs, remaining users are playing in "silver" playoffs, "bronze" playoffs, based on your ranking). You are NOT limited to one single fleet during the tournament and may make a change during any matchup. There are some more rules, but I wanted to keep this thread small.

If you're interested, we're taking signups here . If you wish to join, please please please only sign up if you can commit to playing one game a week. Finally, join us in our discord channel to keep up to date with our season 1 playoff, and any further updates as we prep to kick off season 2. Thanks everyone!

Can u please get me the link to install this

Repost this in the main forum.

I just downloaded TTS Armada today. I will figure out how to use it soon. I will be ready for play and want to join a season.