Symbol names?

By Network57, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game

Anyone know what all the symbol names are on the Shrivelling spell?

Skull, Cultist, ??, ??, ??. I'm not sure what their "official" names might be.

I heard them from deckbuilder they are called Skull Cultist Thing Monster and Fail.

So where does the Monster come in? The first 3 are described on setup cards for scenario-specific meanings, and the last is auto-fail. What's the other one used for?

So where does the Monster come in? The first 3 are described on setup cards for scenario-specific meanings, and the last is auto-fail. What's the other one used for?

I know as much as you do really :P

Monster and Thing are made-up placeholder words :)

Monster and Thing are made-up placeholder words :)

I figured this

The "Monster" appears to be an Elder Thing. As for what it does, I'm guessing that some campaigns will use more icons than others. That icon isn't listed in the bag setup instructions , so it's either reserved for expansions or added by particular Mythos, Agenda, or Act cards.

Might be used in hard mode?

Might be a symbol that might be used on certain monsters, and otherwise just gives a flat number? That might be cool

The "Monster" appears to be an Elder Thing. As for what it does, I'm guessing that some campaigns will use more icons than others. That icon isn't listed in the bag setup instructions , so it's either reserved for expansions or added by particular Mythos, Agenda, or Act cards.

Is this legal to post...? The game nott out yet so this must be a playtester model (or one at gen)

Note that the Moster symbol is also depicted on all neutral cards, in the background of the cost.

The "Monster" appears to be an Elder Thing. As for what it does, I'm guessing that some campaigns will use more icons than others. That icon isn't listed in the bag setup instructions , so it's either reserved for expansions or added by particular Mythos, Agenda, or Act cards.

Is this legal to post...? The game not out yet so this must be a playtester model (or one at gen)

It's a picture from a GenCon attendee. Not a playtester.

I don't mind the picture just was a bit concerned :3