What store does the best business in your games?

By Supertoe, in Runebound

Thought that this would be a fun topic. What city does the best business? How would you rank them?

1. Dawnsmoor, far and away the most popular market. It might have to do with all the gems near it and the lack of difficult terrain.

2. Tamalir. If you can't get it at Dawnsmoor, you go to Tamalir.

3. Riverwatch. Really only needed for quests that bring you to that side of the map.

4. Forge. If there is some specific Forge item you need, go for it.

LOL, I thought you were asking about our FLGS...

Anyhoo, don't have a favourite market so far; I develop my strategy around markets after seeing what markets have to offer

I think Tamalir, Dawnsmoor and Riverwatch.

Tamalir is often near a place where you need to go. There are many quest gems nears Dawnsmoor so both of those cities see high business. There are few quest gems nears Riverwatch and at least the dragon scenario puts Lore story location near it so people have reasons to go there. Many quests also target the area near Riverwatch.

Forge on the other hand often just sits there empty. People don't go there much. Difficult terrain, one edge of the map, not a lot of quests there. If there happens to be that single asset that you need to complete your character's build, you go there. Otherwise, it's pretty much deserted in our games.