Painting changelings

By DarwinsDog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Does anyone have a good example of painted changeling figures from SoN? I've been looking online, but I don't quite like any of the ones I've seen. Then again I don't like anything I've tried up to this point. They seem to be particularly tricky, since the details don't really make sense. The card art isn't much help either.

These are mine.



Maybe this artwork (it's also in the book) makes a bit more sense of things?


Basically, their skin has been ripped open and they are burning/corrupted on the inside, and wearing few tattered remains of clothing

Edited by Atom4geVampire

Thanks! The more pictures of completed models, the better.

I did find the picture, unfortunately the sculpts are just... not good. That's why I'm looking for actual models. I started with these guys out of all the SoN monsters thinking they would be the easiest. I may have been wrong.

Yeah, I remember also being a bit annoyed with the difference in art and sculpts, but just go with what you feel is logical.
Just keep in mind that most of the 'flaps' are skin, and not clothing (like i've noticed in other paints)

Edited by Atom4geVampire

I can feel you. The difference in artwork and sculps is pretty big in SoN, especially on the heroes.

Only Orkhell and the Ynferneal Hulks (or however you write them) are really accurate. The heroes seem to be sculpted more after their box-art depiction and less after their artwork on the hero-cards, so maybe this helps you a little bit (it certainly helped me).

Edited by DAMaz

I haven't really had a problem with the heroes (except for Tinashi's unfortunate face). They at least have the same kinds of details and everything is distinct. The hulks look like fun, but cleaning up the mold lines is a huge pain. Haven't looked at the rats or ironbound that closely yet. The main problem on the changelings is looking at the details and wondering what the heck they're supposed to be.