I own most of FFG’s Star War games, but they sit idle on my shelves as a) there are few people I know willing to play such games (the fools!) and b) when they do, they want to play cooperatively, not competitively. I know FFG seems to have a bias against solo gamers in most of their products, but….
We've now got iOS apps for Descent and for Mansions of Madness which turn these games into genuine cooperative adventures capable of being played solo as well. I'd love to see a similar app developed for Imperial Assault. A more challenging game to create an AI for, I'm sure, especially if a player wanted to be able to play either the Rebels or the Empire, but I have faith FFG could do it.
Also, the original Star Wars LCG card game was an adventure game modeled after LOTR in which one or two players executed dangerous missions, explorations, etc. against the Empire; after being demoed at Gen Con, it was canceled and replaced by the current 2-player version, presumably because it wasn't exciting enough. This decision left a lot of people disappointed!
But now that FFG has come out with an LCG Arkham Horror adventure card game using a streamlined version of the LOTR card game engine, I'd like to see this trend continue and the solitaire/2-player co-op card game resurrected. I'd really like to see a Star Wars LCG for one or two players to join the excellent company of LOTR and AH adventure card games.
Please, FFG, have pity on a lonely gamer and give us some solo-oriented or co-op Star Wars games!