how many friend cards can you have in your friend area and what does the little number on the square on the upper right of a world card mean?
You can have as many friends on the field as you can play (granted there are no restrictions, such as Monstro, or Parasite Cage, etc).
The lil square in the corner (more a diamond, to be exact) is the new world's dark limit, or how many dark cards can be play'd on the world.
really? so i can have 30 firends if i wanted?
If you stuff 30 different friends in your deck, then aye. Either that, or you have 30 brooms in your deck.
The maximum number of friends you can have in a deck is 59, 'n the minimum 40 (bein the said deck limits, of course). So play around a bit, 'n find what works best for you, if you wish.
you've been a great help... oh i have one more thing to ask D: how does Diz's effect work?
DiZ is quite a number. If Riku is your player card, place five counters on DiZ. You may (At your discretion) then place one counter phase on your player card, each counter giving Riku a temporary +1 to his attack. These counters go away at the end of the turn. You may also play DiZ as a regular friend during a battle or a challenge. If that's the case, it counts as if he used all his counters at once on Riku.
If memory serves, this would be your answer.
so during one phase i could put 1-5 or i could use diz at once and it would be a total +7(but only temporary)
It'd be a +7 by the ruling Jaffer give not so long ago. (I know I have this one right since Mr. Dawn wasn't all that happy about it)
lol is its temporary then my friends not gonna be too happy about that
Roxas said:
It'd be a +7 by the ruling Jaffer give not so long ago. (I know I have this one right since Mr. Dawn wasn't all that happy about it)
Well, I wouldn't say I wasn't happy about it...I was relieved and upset at the same time.
Relieved because DiZ wasn't ludicrously overpowered, but upset because Riku couldn't be amazingly overpowered, lol.
WayToTheDawn said:
Roxas said:
It'd be a +7 by the ruling Jaffer give not so long ago. (I know I have this one right since Mr. Dawn wasn't all that happy about it)
Well, I wouldn't say I wasn't happy about it...I was relieved and upset at the same time.
Relieved because DiZ wasn't ludicrously overpowered, but upset because Riku couldn't be amazingly overpowered, lol.
I know man, it would be so great to over power Riku and then use Soul Eater and Way To The Dawn...we'd see Fairy's Harp back in play.