I really want a 2nd set of dice

By Vomkrieg, in Star Wars: Rebellion

That's all.

Having a 2nd set of dice for this game would speed things up a little during big combats. I do hope they consider selling them at some point

I don't see how? You can only ever roll 5 dice of one color at a time. No dice are needed for defense, so the only player that needs dice is the one currently attacking.

I'm responding because I often find that players that request more dice are not following the rules of combat in this game. Unlike Risk and other board games, it does not matter how many units you are attacking with. 5 black and 5 red is the limit of an attacker's power in a round of combat. Also, make sure you are following proper sequence order (as far as when cards are played and the like). By doing so, I think you'll find one set of dice is all that is needed.

Really? Unlike the other games, you never need more than they put in the box, (a first for FFG, but, hey, does anyone put enough dice in the box? Flames of War and Shadowrun vet here, so...). And does it really slow the game down that much sharing dice? I play, well, almost everything put out by FFG and this might be the one game where I don't think extra dice are needed. Just my 1.83 cents.

I think mechanically there's enough dice. Spatially, however... I'd like to have my own dice tray and set of dice on my side of the epic-sized area, and my opponent have his own on his side. As long as I'm looking to upgrade my game, I'll take an additional set of tactic cards. Sharing dice does slow the game just a little bit. What slows the game down a lot is combat itself--the game within the game. But that is just like the old PC game where you could direct your forces in a terrible 3D combat space. Unlike the PC game, in the board game you cannot push the simulate button.

I simply find picking up all the custom dice after one fight, and handing them across the table slightly annoying. I prefer to play games where players have their own full sets of dice so you don't waste time on that activity. You can roll on your side of the table and you don't have that "wheres that last black dice gone" search every few turns (it was over there, after you rolled for that mission).

I'm also going to probably print out a battle board for big fights, using one on tabletop simulator has been quite good (one of my regular players is a doctor, so we also have a TS game going where he can play a turn or two with me before shifts)

When we play X-wing. I have 3 sets of dice, 2 for armada, 2 for imp assault.

For games like Arkham horror I have a block of 36 d6's to share out and oodles of d10's for TI3.

It's just a wee thing of mine, I like lots of dice available so the game flows better.

On a hunch, i checked the Star Wars dice app, and BOOM!

Rebellion dice in there. Awesome, I can use the app and my opponent can use the physical dice. Sorted.

On a hunch, i checked the Star Wars dice app, and BOOM!

Rebellion dice in there. Awesome, I can use the app and my opponent can use the physical dice. Sorted.

$5.00 though. For digital dice? :-/ I mean I'd take it if it were free.

I would like a second set of dice.

I will say that if both sides have their own sets of dice I'd be tempted to roll at the same time. Which would be against the rules.

On a hunch, i checked the Star Wars dice app, and BOOM!

Rebellion dice in there. Awesome, I can use the app and my opponent can use the physical dice. Sorted.

$5.00 though. For digital dice? :-/ I mean I'd take it if it were free.

I already had the app for x-wing/imperial assault/Armada & the RPG

They are just 6 sided dice. Why not buy two packs of regular 6 six sided and make a conversion chart.

1-2 blank

3-4 hit

5 direct

6 critical

Also isn't the number of dice the maximum limit on how you can roll so you can't just overload a battleground and wipe out the defenders before they have a chance to retreat? Having a max of 5 red and 5 black does give you some time to react (and get the force out of there) before you get annihilated.

Everyone I know that owns Rebellion would buy a second set of dice. I hope FFG offers a dice pack.

Yes I really want a extra set of dice in my game as well for convenience, the others that I know that own Rebellion wants the same.

I tried to contact FFG customer service to see if it was possible but unfortunatly it wasn't.

Likely they think that they will not sell enough sets of the dice if they release them so it is not worth their time.

On 10/3/2016 at 1:35 AM, Vomkrieg said:

I simply find picking up all the custom dice after one fight, and handing them across the table slightly annoying. I prefer to play games where players have their own full sets of dice so you don't waste time on that activity. You can roll on your side of the table and you don't have that "wheres that last black dice gone" search every few turns (it was over there, after you rolled for that mission).

This. And dice do get lost more easily than other components.

I'd certainly buy a second set. We can't have Rebel Scum pawing all over Imperial dice now, can we?

Add me to the list of wanting an extra set.

I actually want a 2nd and 3rd set!

This way each player has their own set plus a couple extras in case a die is on the floor, camouflaged against the board, or otherwise not at our finger-tips.