Over using force powers

By Diverdan001, in Game Masters

If the characters use too many Force powers, the simplest option might be for them to be sensed by a nearby Inquisitor. There's even rules for making them in F&D Core.


The only part of the OP where I see a problem is "She's bored." Using Move all the time isn't a problem in itself, though getting noticed could be.

If they're bored using the same attack over and over, well, that applies to Mr. Blasters too, so maybe look at it from another angle: is there something about the style of the game that isn't matching her expectations? Are other characters being presented with tactical or attack options that she doesn't get or can't make use of? Are the other characters largely one-trick types as well?

Mechanically, I don't have a great problem with it. It requires 2 checks, a Force Power check to get the object there, and a Discipline check "to hit".

I do have just a few tweaks or clarifications. Since hurling objects requires a discipline check based on the silhouette of object being thrown, I'd have it function as any other combat check, just using discipline. While it says in the Move Upgrade section (EotE CRB - 284) that the difficulty for the Discipline check is equal to the silhouette, I would insert "minimum of easy" so even throwing Sil 0 objects requires a check.

Next, counting it as a combat action means that talents like Adversary and Dodge count against the strike. I would also use Ranged Defense setback for hurled objects of silhouette less than the target.

As for story use, yeah, if it becomes a problem, get an Inquisitor involved.

Side note: Adversary is generally the "go to" talent for bad guys, but if you have a group where one PC upstages the rest in combat, Dodge is a great option. A bad guy who gets to that level will be experienced enough to size up opponents and identify the greatest threat. So, you can upgrade the difficulty against the powerhouse without making it more difficult for everyone else.

Huge +1 for the Dodge talent on BBEGs or other important foes. Everyone feels "fairly" challenged.

Send her on an adventure to Myrkyr, crash the ship?

This is an OOC problem manifesting itself inside the game. The problem is that the player is bored. The solution is to find out WHY they're bored, and then give them something to do that isn't 'Use Move" over and over again.