This table shows which tech purchased could be obtained by each of the 14 races in TI. It's kind of hard to explain in words so I'll just give a Legend.
Level 0 (Green) = Starting techs, these are the techs each race starts with.
Level 1 (Light Green) = This number means that it could potentially be the 1st tech this race can buy.
Level 2 (Yellow-green) = This could be the 2nd tech potentially purchased, but you must have purchased the corresponding Lvl 1 Tech.
Level 3 (Yellow) = This could be the 3rd tech purchased, if the corresponding Lvl 1 & Lvl 2 prereq techs were purchased. These are not too far down and could be considered.
Level 4 (Orange-yellow) = This could be 4th. Very possible in longer games (especially 4-player game) and could be a game changer if attained.
Level 5 (Orange) = This could be 5th. Very situational technology for your race. I could see if you need it for an objective or a maneuver (Like Light/Wave), but shouldn't be picking up too many of these.
Level 6 (Vermilion) = This could be 6th, so there are 5 techs you need before this one is available. That being said, don't count on it. There are better techs at Lvl 3 or Lvl 4.
Level 7 (Red) = This could be 7th. The chances of you getting this tech are near impossible, and it shouldn't be considered.
Example: Magen Def is Lvl 2 for YIN, but you MUST purchase the Lvl 1 Tech, Deep Space Cannon. With Excel it's impossible for me to show the prereqs, but that's not what's important. What's important is seeing how deep certain techs are for certain races. WINNU could get Type IV as their third tech. As NORR or YIN (and most other races for that matter), you definitely shouldn't be even considering Advanced Fighters. On the right side are the mean values for every tech, and that is how they are ordered, by average depth. Any questions? Let me know, either on the chat page here, or on FFG Forums.