Selling my complete collection

By gardinermitch, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Collection has been sold.

Looking to sell my ANR collection

3x Core Set
2x Creation and Control
1x Other 3 Deluxe Expansions
2x Genesis Cycle
1x Spin cycle
1x Lunar Cycle
1x SanSan Cycle
1x Mumbad Cycle
First 2 packs of Flashpoint cycle
World Champion decks
2 player playmat
Reina TO Playmat
Team Covenant tokens
Various promos

No original packaging or cardboard tokens, but comes with some deckboxes (1 netrunner and a few ultra-pro dual ones) and sleeves as well.

Asking $375 plus shipping. (USD)

I'm in Canada so shipping might not be super cheap, but shouldn't be over $50 USD.

Edit: Images can be found here:

Edited by gardinermitch

Could I see pictures of the mats, tokens and samples of the cards to see current condition?

Will take pictures and update this thread with them

Thank You

I'm not looking to buy the set, but I AM considering getting my own System Breach Two-Player Playmat. Would you consider helping me out by measuring it's length and width? I can't find its size listed anywhere!

Haha yeah no worries I'll give it a measure later this evening, but it is quite large!

In case anyone else stumbles across this thread looking for answers, the mat is approximately 26" x 36" (I bought one at the Fantasy Flight Game Center over the weekend).

I'm very interested in the tokens. I think I can make it worth your while if you'd be willing to part with them separately...