Cybernetic Repulsor Fist Question

By derroehre, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

12 hours ago, Lukey84 said:

Add on question here about the repulsor fist. Since it has a base damage stat and not "+X" does it count as an unarmed attack?

No but that makes it work with the defensive training talent, the consular Niman disciple has 2 ranks so if you've bought both copies of the talent, have a repulsor fist but are otherwise unarmed and are naked, you're still adding 2 black dice to all incoming melee attacks... pretty cool if you ask me.

Can you put another weapon on top of a repulsor fist. IE some knucks or something? I know it is considered a "weapon" but would it make sense to be able to add something like brass or vibro knucks to the repulsor fist?

You wouldn't get any benefit from the weapon you're not using in the check. Holding a knife while making a brawl attack doesn't give your unarmed strikes the qualities of a knife.

No I was more meaning brawl weapons...

Another Repulsor Fist question. As it is considered a weapon could you use talents like tinkerer on it to give it a hard point?