As the title say, I had a new idea for an homebrew talisman expansion. Now I try to explain you that idea, if someone could please help me, I'd be very happy (send me a pm). The expansion bases on the zombies; when a character dies, then it turns info the zombie (for example the Warrior turns info the zombie Warrior or the sorcerer into zombie sorcerer). A zombie could not gain force and craft, could only move on the nearest place (as it has the poltergeist), he could not have any followers and could only bring 2 Objects, it only have a life but it could not lose life after having Battle with other characters. The zombie could improve its statistics thanks to some particular Adventure card (enemy zombie), that the character brings as follower (the only one which could bring, as ghoul or minstrel does). How does the zombie win? Killing other character. How do other players win? On the crown of command, they should roll 2 die and have a double result.