All Technicians? New GM + New (Teen) Players

By StarWarsMom, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Oh no, when they were originally made, the creator was 100% serious. It only SEEMS like he had to be poking fun now, because of how ridiculous it is.EDIT: Oh, and notice: one of the players is named "Marcie" :P !

Having skimmed through more of it on the site, I must say...

I dig Debbie's Members Only jacket.


On the violence thing, it's a shame none of them want to play a Verpine. One of their racial characteristics (other than being the greatest ship mechanics ;) ) is avoidance of violence, using force only as a last resort.

Though would depend on the player interactions, as depending on those it would either get them to think about avoiding violence, or argue amongst themselves.

>She was choked from behind by another student (not any of our players) with his hands, and sexual orientation insults levied at her.


*Sad Panda Marcy*

We still have far to go as a species, huh? :(

I’ve been a tomboy since I could run, came out as bi in 1987 when it wasn’t particularly accepted, identified as a gamer since I was ten. I was a nerd and a geek before I knew what those terms meant.

And I’m a Star Wars fan.

Let’s face it, I was never gonna be Miss Popular at school or one of the Cool Kids.

But y’know, I was lucky – I had very cool parents and made some good friends. I learned to ignore the catcalls and was never physically attacked. Compared to the experiences of many others my age – even in my gaming group – I got off lightly, and I’m grateful for that.

So all my feels go out to those who weren’t so lucky, including this poor girl.

As I said before, SWM, your kids are lucky to have you :)

Edited by Maelora

>She was choked from behind by another student (not any of our players) with his hands, and sexual orientation insults levied at her.


*Sad Panda Marcy*

We still have far to go as a species, huh? :(

I’ve been a tomboy since I could run, came out as bi in 1987 when it wasn’t particularly accepted, identified as a gamer since I was ten. I was a nerd and a geek before I knew what those terms meant.

And I’m a Star Wars fan.

Let’s face it, I was never gonna be Miss Popular at school or one of the Cool Kids.

But y’know, I was lucky – I had very cool parents and made some good friends. I learned to ignore the catcalls and was never physically attacked. Compared to the experiences of many others my age – even in my gaming group – I got off lightly, and I’m grateful for that.

So all my feels go out to those who weren’t so lucky, including this poor girl.

As I said before, SWM, your kids are lucky to have you :)

As far as I would have been and am concerned, you're one of the Cool Kids.

But I was in theatre and a gamer, so what do I know? ;)

Wow, this thread took a most unexpected turn. I got really got nothing relevant to add other than . . .

My name is Phoenix, but please, call me Phee :)

Wait - Phoenix is you actual, real, on your drivers licenses name? That is SO COOL ! You have the bestest name evar!

Yes, Phoenix is my actual, real, driver's-licence name :) .

Thanks :) .

Wait... that was supposed to be serious? I thought it was a tongue in cheek farce/joke.

Even today the Chick tracts surprise me. I'm never sure what boggles my mind the most; the frothing hatred or the complete misrepresentation. He literally knows nothing about the things he hates. It's helpful to remind ourselves sometimes that not all religious people are intolerant lunatics (Two of my group are practising - if liberal - Catholics, and most the rest of them are gay, lesbian, bi or trans... and the only thing we ever argue about is game rules!)

Also, 'Marcie' dies. 'YOU'RE DEAD! You don't exist any more' . Gee, thanks.

There's a much-loathed character in Fallout 4, also called Marcy, who looks a bit like me if I'd been huffing crystal meth for a decade. And is widely hated because she complains and moans at everything you do, even when you're feeding and clothing her and building a house for her. And the game designers made her unkillable just for lols. So when I get the game and look online for help, pretty much every topic is 'HOW CAN I KILL MARCY!?!?!?'

It all makes me feel quite unloved :(

Anyway, yeah; Phee is the coolest name evar!

As far as I would have been and am concerned, you're one of the Cool Kids.

Oh, I was drawn to my own kind. They gravitated to me; the other misfits and loners, the imaginative and sensitive types. I'd GM for them at lunchtime and type stuff out on our ancient dot-matrix printer. My very first campaign was called 'Warriors of Merinore', and I loved the world-building even then.

That a girl not only wanted to play D&D, but wanted to run the game and write the stories, and gave up her evenings to hang out with them and make their fantasies awesome... must have blown their minds. I was lucky to have good friends and they were lucky to have me.

Even today the Chick tracts surprise me. I'm never sure what boggles my mind the most; the frothing hatred or the complete misrepresentation. He literally knows nothing about the things he hates. It's helpful to remind ourselves sometimes that not all religious people are intolerant lunatics (Two of my group are practising - if liberal - Catholics, and most the rest of them are gay, lesbian, bi or trans... and the only thing we ever argue about is game rules!)

Clearly Jack didnt do any research! What the hell kind of crappy Paladin doesn't have a Resurrection spell by level 8? I seriously doubt his D&D acumen.

It all makes me feel quite unloved :(

Here, have this virtual hug from an random internet person:


Edited by Desslok

*hugz for Marcy :( *

It's helpful to remind ourselves sometimes that not all religious people are intolerant lunatics

Absolutely, and indeed that some of the most fervent aren't. One of my university friends believed so much in his religion that he risked his life smuggling bibles into China in the 90's. He was a gamer, too, and one of the most tolerant people I've met. He believed in spreading the word, but not that that belief trumped behaviour.

Edited by Darzil

*hugz for Marcy :( *

Funny aside, when looking for "Penguin Hug" in Google Image search, I found this:


I am SO keeping this in my back pocket for future thread use. . . .

Thanks to this thread "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"

So when I get the game and look online for help, pretty much every topic is 'HOW CAN I KILL MARCY!?!?!?'

It all makes me feel quite unloved :(

I share a name with a somewhat famous funk/R&B singer from back in the day, so you have my sympathies.

Desslok, the Force-Push mini-penguin is so awesome!

The little satisfied nod of his head at the end really makes it for me.

Edited by Maelora

Penguin-love soothes the most savage wounds.

We spent the last two days R&R over real-life issues. With the extended holiday (Columbus Day), my son won't be going to school until Tuesday. I'm happy with how he is equally compassionate and willing to recognize what he can do and what is out of his control. On Friday, he and some other friends (not our gamer group) went to the counselor. They asked if there was more to be done to make school a safer place without another assembly. They offered their help in whatever way is decided.

I spoke with the no-violence parents. We discussed the overall scope of this gaming hobby, and its history of random dice rolls and planned outcomes based on decisions/rolls. We also discussed the "Wars" part of Star Wars. I addressed how the PCs would be following the path of returning Vader's droids to him. As technicians, their use of tools and building things would take priority over combat weapons. I even showed the the Multi-Goo Gun piece to illustrate "weapons."

After comparing Vader to Satan, I feared the worst.

My biggest take-away from the discussion is a lot of heavily-quoted church based material that seems to fit a wide variety of topics. Somehow, economics and government wormed into the conversation, at which point I asked to stop preaching to me. I reaffirmed how I wanted the kids to have a good time playing in the Star Wars universe as heroes. They have a random chance to something bad happening, from an Imperial Stormtrooper asking for registration to running out of fuel for their ship. The more players push their luck, the more likely something more random or disastrous the outcome. Don't glitterbomb the Emperor and expect a pleasant day.

"Why add the Emperor? I thought Darth Vader was the main bad guy."

Neither parent nor I were buying what the other was selling. I acknowledged the communication difficulties. They said that my son must get his Asperger's honestly, and that there was a better way of dealing with "tragedy" than medicine and therapy. As I grabbed my purse and water bottle (note: NOT coca-cola) to leave after this well-intended yet highly offensive insult on multiple levels, their son sat in the hallway. He heard everything, I suppose because he looked forlorn.

I simply stated the the game is set with as little violence as I can direct, and further details will happen in game. I looked at the boy and restated the time and day of our next game (with a small delay as the group tries to calm down over the incident this week). I apologized if I somehow offended the family, and that I would not revisit my intentions or gamestyle further without good reason.

So, the ball is in their court. We may or may not have another player who may or may not use our house as a refuge and source of caffeinated drinks. Frankly, I don't care, anymore. He's in or out, and we'll have an answer in a few days I think.

What would you have done in my shoes?

Oh, dear… Well, I think you probably did as well as you could.

I myself am a conservative, traditional Christian (and have served as a pastor for many years). I have also been a RPG gamer (and GM) since 1986… Still GM, although mostly for my family. I have been part of making role playing games, game testing new products, and written published adventures… So there. No contradiction for me.

I have also met fundamentalists of the “Chick-tract persuasion.” There is no convincing them - and frankly, I don’t have it in me to do so. Some people are just terribly, terribly misinformed about what Roleplaying Games are. They are still somewhere in the early 1990’s panic about cultic covens and ritual murders…

A roleplaying game is what the GM (and the group) makes it. It can be clean and moral - emphasizing good over evil - if that is how the group wants to play. It can be decadent, dark, occult and “immoral” if that is how the GM and player wants to do it.

Just like play acting. Just like writing a book. Just like picking a movie from Redbox. Just like any other hobby… Oy vey!

So I apologize, on behalf of people identifying themselves as Christians. Keep at it, mom. You’ve done what you can.

Honestly, I don't think you could have handled it any better. It sounds like you kept your cool through severe provocation (rolled a Triumph!) and reiterated your position. It's unfortunate that this boy is caught in the middle, so to speak, but you've made a great deal of accommodation to appease his parents' reluctance. If they haven't bought in at this point, they're not going to.

It may be a bit trite, but I'd like to share a couple of pictures. I confess that the second one has, on occasion, moved me to tears.



Edited by SFC Snuffy


StarWarsMom, I really feel for you. I have not personally encountered such people before, but I know others who have. From what I hear, such people tend to be close-minded on many levels. I really feel bad for their son, as he may only grow to resent them especially after hearing your conversation with them. You have done very, very well to try to work with them so that their son can still be involved, and to deal with all of the issues that keep cropping up.

I understand how conflicting this can be, and you have my sympathies, and hopes that the best may come out of this. Unfortunately, the belief that you are right no matter who you hurt can be one of the worst things to encounter in everyday life, and I hope that your son's friendships are not impacted too strongly by these parents.

What would you have done in my shoes?

IMO, you’ve done far more than I could have hoped to do under the same circumstances.

I don’t think there is anything I could say that could be useful advice for you in such a situation.

You have met them far more than halfway, and I think you have successfully demonstrated that you can “turn the other cheek”.

At this point, I think the decision lies with them, and there is little more you can do.

What would you have done in my shoes?

What would I have done?


And then call my mom so she can post my bail.

Seriously, I don't care what deity you believe in, your holy book is not an excuse to be an asshole to someone else. Honestly you did the best you could under those conditions. You told them what the game's goals are, what the expectations are. Like you said, it's now on them. All the information is on the table, what they do with it is up to them.

And I feel real bad for their kid. These onerous restrictions on his life are either gonna mess up his head or force him to rebel SO hard.