Brand new cards on Twitter have been spoiled!!!!!

By thesug1, in Star Wars: Destiny

That is a bonkers enhancement, auto-include in any Rey deck for sure.

Also good to see that the packaging is secure and cards are not damaged.

Hmm, might Destiny be appearing as part of Force Friday if people are starting to find packs?

what is Force Friday?

what is Force Friday?

Its when all the new products get released before the new Star Wars movie. In this case, its Rogue One. Last year FFG was part of Force Friday when they released the X-Wing TFA themed Starter Sets to places like Target. I fully expect Star Wars Destiny to eventually show up in Target in their Pokemon/Magic/Dicemasters section of the stores by the registers. And if people are finding packs, it has me wondering if we'll have a surprise release in a few days. Seems kinda silly for FFG to plan a launch of a new title and miss out on a major marketing push by Disney.

People aren't finding packs, a social media content provider was sent product by FFG to help promote the game.

It's like giving a gaming website an early copy of the new Call of Duty.

Edited by ScottieATF

I imagine Worlds is still the expected date of release? I am highly anticipating this game. 4 packs, didn't pull any characters or battlefields. Getting Jedi Robes is a sucky pull.

We have no idea when the launch is. There have been rumors that some FFG people at PAX said it was launching the second week of November, but there is no way to verify any of that. So its all rumor at this point.

I got some promo cards at PAX that said November 2016, but that's the most specific I've seen.