Pierce and Shields

By tundrra, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I had a pesky tank with a shield that i was having trouble damaging and i wanted to double check to see if we were playing the pierce ability correctly.

rule book Defenition:

An attack with the Pierce ability ignores 1 point of
armor for each rank of Pierce it has. Thus, an attack
with Pierce 3 ignores 3 points of armor. Shields are not
affected by the Pierce ability."

due to the last line we interupted it has canceling out the pierce ability, causing it to be a normal fight as if it didnt have pierce.

thanks again, in advance:)

it means you can still cancel x wounds with the shield. thats all

tundrra said:

I had a pesky tank with a shield that i was having trouble damaging and i wanted to double check to see if we were playing the pierce ability correctly.

rule book Defenition:

An attack with the Pierce ability ignores 1 point of
armor for each rank of Pierce it has. Thus, an attack
with Pierce 3 ignores 3 points of armor. Shields are not
affected by the Pierce ability."

due to the last line we interupted it has canceling out the pierce ability, causing it to be a normal fight as if it didnt have pierce.

thanks again, in advance:)

No, Shields (well most shields I think there is one that does) have absolutely nothing to do with Pierce and how it is calculated at all. Shields are used to cancel wounds that are taken, Pierce bypasses armor to increase damage. Two entirely different things, but they way it is written it does get confusing.

If you have a tank with a shield that let's him ignore 1 wound and he's got armor 4 for example. You hit him with an attack that does 5 damage with Pierce 2. His armor now goes to 2 (4 Armor - 2 Pierce = 2 Armor). So now its 5 damage - 2 Armor = 3 wounds. He then uses the shield to ignore one of the wounds, so he only takes 2 wounds.

Makes more sense?

perfect, thanks guys!