Normand Cavalry

By Robert Blake, in Britannia

I purchased a spanish copy of Britannia, and I've found a few contradictions between what rulebook say and what is written on board or nation sheets. That doesn't really cares me, I can handle with it. But there's something that's very confusing to me: on rulebook and gameboard says that Normands have 4 Cavalrys and 8 Infantrys, but there were only 3 Cavalries and 9 infantries on the box. Is that correct?

Thank you.

You're copy should have 8 infantry, 4 Calvary, and William. Check again to make sure that you didn't make a mistake. The infantry and calvary do look similar. Otherwise, go ahead and contact FFG about it. I've only heard good things about their customer service.

I've got 9 infantry and 3 cavalry, I'm sure of that. My copy is not a FFG copy. I'm from spain, and my copy is a spanish copy, so I'll contact with the corresponding company. Thank you.

pd: it's funny, cause I purchased a FFG copy of Letter of Marque in Spain and there is also a mistake inside the box, so ¿do FFG wil replace de wrong piece? ¿From the States to Barcelona?

Double check the pieces because I have seen the designer comment that there was a print run where one of the Norman pieces was printed with an infantry picture on one side and cavalry on the other - that could explain the 9/3 split instead of 4/8....

Either way you need another cavalry piece. Remember that pieces are limiting so be sure when you play that you remove any excess pieces.


I have just recieved my copy of this game and the norman counters are printed wrong. I have 2 cavalry 9 infantry and one counter that is printed cavalry on one side and infantry on the other.

How do I get FFS to send me the two norman cavalry units I need...or is it better to send the game back to Amazon?

Anyone else had this problem?


I had the same/similer problem. I perchased my copy from FFG and got 10 infantry and 3 cavalry.

I sent an email to FFG and they quickly posted me the missing cavalry piece