How Triumph Works

By HistoryGuy, in Game Masters

I was reading the core rule book and was looking at the charts on spending Advantage and Triumph. What is the best way to use Triumph?

I'll let others elaborate on the more exciting uses, but on the mundane/beginner end of the spectrum, anything that requires one or more advantage to do, one triumph can do. Trigger criticals, item qualities, talents, etc.

That is a very hard question to answer. It's very dependent on the situation your in, the action your performing, the talents available, the equipment etc.

In combat sometimes you want to Crit, to hamper your foe, sometimes a weapons special Active Quality will be very useful at that time, sometimes passing an upgrade to another PC can really help them get the actual objective of the encounter completed.

In general though I like Narrative uses more, where the player uses the Triumph to introduce new "facts" into the scene.

Do you have some specific situations your thinking of?

I'll let others elaborate on the more exciting uses, but on the mundane/beginner end of the spectrum, anything that requires one or more advantage to do, one triumph can do. Trigger criticals, item qualities, talents, etc.

Thanks. This is exactly what I was looking for.

What about Despair?

That is a very hard question to answer. It's very dependent on the situation your in, the action your performing, the talents available, the equipment etc.

In combat sometimes you want to Crit, to hamper your foe, sometimes a weapons special Active Quality will be very useful at that time, sometimes passing an upgrade to another PC can really help them get the actual objective of the encounter completed.

In general though I like Narrative uses more, where the player uses the Triumph to introduce new "facts" into the scene.

Do you have some specific situations your thinking of?

Mostly combat. Triggering crits, triggering auto fire, triggering linked, etc...

Read the write up for Bola, it's awesome to get a Triumph when you're successful. Improved Stunning Blow, they're awesome. When you roll Vigilance, they're awesome.

I'll let others elaborate on the more exciting uses, but on the mundane/beginner end of the spectrum, anything that requires one or more advantage to do, one triumph can do. Trigger criticals, item qualities, talents, etc.

Thanks. This is exactly what I was looking for.

What about Despair?

Run out of ammo, weapon/armour damage, upgrade an enemy's chance to hit you, upgrade the difficulty of your next attack...those are the most common combat ones in my group. But I've also used it to give a setback to the end of the encounter (unless they take an action to fix something), or even cause a minor crit during a climb (crit - 20, minimum 1).

Keep in mind the most powerful application of a Triumph/Despair in combat is upgrading a die (like flipping a destiny point for free), so if you're in a more nebulous situation and someone wants to apply a narrative effect, you can scale it according to the combat effect. Anything you can use a destiny point for ("I actually *do* have a flashlight" or "Here come some reinforcements") you can also use Triumph/Despair for.

Ultimately, if there is something super cool that you want a character to perform "on screen", a Triumph is the way to do it. Two Triumphs? Lets just say you blew your SFX budget on what you just did :)

Read the write up for Bola, it's awesome to get a Triumph when you're successful.

Hey, I hadn't noticed that one. My players will not thank you for pointing this out to me. :P

I was reading the core rule book and was looking at the charts on spending Advantage and Triumph. What is the best way to use Triumph?

I don't think there's a "best" way, I think every situation will be a little different. The book's guidelines are just those, and we are encouraged to come up with our own results. To that end, it might be very useful to listen to The Skill Monkey , a now-defunct podcast that addresses this question and more, based on different situations. It's highly digestible and remains one of the best resources for adjudicating dice rolls narratively.

Triumph is, to quote a game mechanic from 'Conker's Bad Fur Day', context-sensitive. It gives whatever is needed at that particular moment. Need an amazing blaster shot? A bit of fancy flying through a debris field? Combat medic needs a miracle to save your hide? Triumph is, more or less, what you need when you need it.

Usually I'll spend my triumphs by insisting that buxom Swedish supermodels come out of nowhere and gush over how awesome I am. No, I mean in real life.

Usually I'll spend my triumphs by insisting that buxom Swedish supermodels come out of nowhere and gush over how awesome I am. No, I mean in real life.

So a triumph with a lot of threat means the wife walks in?

Read through the skill descriptions. Many of them have suggestions for both triumphs and dispares

Usually I'll spend my triumphs by insisting that buxom Swedish supermodels come out of nowhere and gush over how awesome I am. No, I mean in real life.

So a triumph with a lot of threat means the wife walks in?

...and the Despair is when you take them upstairs, open the door, and your wife is already there with "Bjorn"...