Concentrate Fire and Defiance (or so)

By Lemmiwinks86, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions


I have for example an MC80 with the Defiance title and use a Concentrate Fire dial, so I proceed like this:

- Roll the attack pool with the battery armament, lets say 3 blue and 3 red

- I add a black die of the Defiance as I'm attacking a ship that has already activated this turn

- I use the CF dial and as I can add a die of a color that is already in the pool, I assume that I can add a black in this moment, right?

The same goes for when playing Opening Salvo as 2nd player and you decide to add 2 black for example, you can use CF to add another black even if your ship doesn't have black in it's battery.

I just want to be 100% sure that I'm playing that right



All "Modify Dice" things happen at the same time

They include adding dice from Ackbar, concentrate fires, defiance, Paragon, etc.

When there is timing that is the same, you choose the order in which they resolve.

So yes, if you Resolve Defiance to add a black to your pool, and now that would qualify to add a black with a Concentrate Fire Dial, as there is now a black in your pool.

Yup! Also works on Paragon , and (barring a really weird ruling on how he works) will work with Sato too.

Yup! Also works on Paragon , and (barring a really weird ruling on how he works) will work with Sato too.

Well, actually, I don't think there's an interpretation of Sato that wouldn't let it work with him, either.... Unless Replace happens after the modify dice step. And that.



That would be the very definition of "weird".

Along those lines...

If you are running Opening Salvo as player 2, can you roll your attack pool before deciding which color dice to add to it (as you for for CF)?

Along those lines...

If you are running Opening Salvo as player 2, can you roll your attack pool before deciding which color dice to add to it (as you for for CF)?


Roll dice pool.

Add opening salvo dice

Add cf