Ship status for astrogation modifier?

By Rosco74, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG


I would like to know your interpretation of the rules about astrogatio modifiers. The basic test is easy according page 246 and then you apply the modifiers in the table 7-13 on page 247.

What is the definition of a lightly damaged ship ? and a heavily damaged ship ?

I can't find anywhere in the book an explanation :-/

Thanks for the help !

I'd probably base it on the damage control table on pg 233, and make lightly when it still has less than half hull trauma, and heavily when it has less than full hull trauma.

AoR p. 259

"A good rule of thumb is that light damage (up to a quarter of a ship's total hull threshold)"

up to a quarter of a ship's total hull threshold would mean a single damage point would already add a difficulty dice, that's not fair as most of the time the ship won't have its full hull points... and some little damages on the hull shouldn't impact too much the accuracy of the navcomputer :-/

More than 2 or 3 and less than half for light sounds good yes. Btw half and max damage for the second step as well. I will use that I think

Thanks. Any more comments welcome ;)

Edited by Rosco74