Star Wars Rebels season 2...writers needed :)

By Drathen, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hey Guys!

So we are in the process of working on Season 2 for The Star Wars Rebels sourcebook. We have the art areas and layout team covered for this project ( but If you have something you would like to contribute and think stands out, please let me know). We actually need some talented and creative writers from the community to help us get this pushed out to everyone. :D

Feel free to send me a message if you are interested. Please make sure you are willing to sink some time into this project and be willing to grab some of the content we are working on since there seems to be a lot …more so than what we had for Spark of Rebellion. This is not a paid project…and yes we have been asked that lol…but its more of a labor of love for a game we love to play. We would like to expand of course out side of the Rebels series after season 2 is done so who knows whats down the road. I would like to see a DarkTimes book done but thats just me ;)

You can visit our website at

A Dark Times book. Tell me who I have to [insert verb here] to make that happen. I want it. Sooner than now.

A Dark Times book. Tell me who I have to [insert verb here] to make that happen. I want it. Sooner than now.

Well, you could help write it! ;)