Terra Shift & other spells

By Filippo, in Talisman Rules Questions

Terra Shift

"Cast on a character who has just completed his move. Choose a space in that character's Region and move all Terrain and Adventure cards from the chosen space to that character's space ."

Can I choose an empty space? (just to discard this undesired spell)

Even if there are no real consequences, I have resolved the text of the card. I think it's different to cast Shatter on a character without objects.

So... what about Gust of Wind ? Can I cast on a character without objects?
"Cast on any character at the start of his turn.
That character must roll 1 die for each of his Objects .
On a 1 or 2 the Object is blown 6 spaces clockwise."

What about Evil Eye ?

"Cast at any time on a character in your space . He loses all his fate and misses 1 turn ."

It has 2 different effects to resolve:

- Target must lose his fate

- Target must miss a turn

The second is ok. But, can I cast Evil eye on a character without Fate?

Probably there are other spells like this...
-It's very useful discard spells if you are a Wizard-


Edited by Filippo

This might help a lot from the FAQ:

Spell Targets
Characters cannot cast Spells unless the Spells have a valid
target. Characters may not discard Spells just to get rid of
Example: A character has the Mesmerism Spell which allows
him to take a Follower from another character. If none of his
opponents have any Followers, he cannot cast Mesmerism
just to get rid of the Spell because there are no valid targets

Also, see this from the FAQ


Q1: Can a character cast the Nullify Spell on himself?
A: Yes, as long as you have at least one Spell at the time that
Nullify is cast.

Q2: Can a character cast the Nullify Spell on a character
who does not have any Spells?
A: No.

With Terra Shift what's the Valid target? with the Mesmerism spell, the target is "a follower held by any character".

"Cast at the start of your turn, before you move. Take one Follower of your choice from any character"

You can't cast Mesmerism on a character without any followers and you can't cast it on a follower at a space because both the follower and the follower being held by any character are both Valid targets.

Also with Nullify you can't cast it on a character with no spells even though it does not say that on the spell card. Hench the FAQ.

So? the Valid Target of Terra Shift has to be all of its text in effect so you cannot cast it on a space without a terrain card and or Adventure card.

This also answers both Gust of Wind and Evil Eye. That's is Gust of Wind needs the character targetted to have at least 1 Object and Evil Eye the character targetted needs to have at least 1 fate.

Ok thanks, seems legit.