RTL: Boosts, Fleeing, Exploring, etc

By bomber4, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi. 1) The RTL rulebook state that heroes can't upgrade more than 3 dice to silver at copper level and none to gold. But does it apply to boosts from fatigue and power potions also? I really don't know, because at page 24 section "Upgrading Power Dice With Fatigue During Play" it says

For example, after making an attack roll, a hero could spend 3 fatigue to add an extra gold die to the attack

Here doesn't mention any restriction.

BTW is the level's restriction applied to monsters? During an encounter for example, a lieutenant can spend a lot of threat to add power dice boosts.

2) I read somewhere that when the heroes exit a dungeon they recover their fatigue, but does it also apply when they flee from a dungeon?

3) When the group of heroes end their movement on a dungeon area that is unexplored they receive one conquest point. Do they have to enter it or not to receive the point?

In case the answer is no, how do you write it in the campaing sheet? Because AFAIK you only note the current level and mark with an X a explored dungeon. Could they enter in they dungeon few weeks later or they only have that oportunity?

In case the answer is yes, if the heroes later in the campaign end their movement in the same location do they earn another conquest point?

4) How many rumours can the party have in a week (i know is just 1 at the same time)?. For example if they dont like the first one, can other hero go to the tavern and change the actual rumour?

I don't have the game in english, but there is a rumour named something like "Nothing new". What happens if that rumour is drawn? At the flavour text it says there are no more rumours for the week, but as flavour text are not rules, could a heroes go to the tavern and draw a new rumour card?

5) The kerak map, the boat and that staff which allow to move twice are available to buy since the beginning of the campaign or the heroes have to do something first?

6) If the group perform a Recuperate/Train action, a hero could restore all their wounds and fatige just paying 50 coins even if they are on a dungeon location or a secret master trainer?

thanks for reading,


bomber said:

Hi. 1) The RTL rulebook state that heroes can't upgrade more than 3 dice to silver at copper level and none to gold. But does it apply to boosts from fatigue and power potions also? I really don't know, because at page 24 section "Upgrading Power Dice With Fatigue During Play" it says

For example, after making an attack roll, a hero could spend 3 fatigue to add an extra gold die to the attack

Here doesn't mention any restriction.

BTW is the level's restriction applied to monsters? During an encounter for example, a lieutenant can spend a lot of threat to add power dice boosts.

2) I read somewhere that when the heroes exit a dungeon they recover their fatigue, but does it also apply when they flee from a dungeon?

3) When the group of heroes end their movement on a dungeon area that is unexplored they receive one conquest point. Do they have to enter it or not to receive the point?

In case the answer is no, how do you write it in the campaing sheet? Because AFAIK you only note the current level and mark with an X a explored dungeon. Could they enter in they dungeon few weeks later or they only have that oportunity?

In case the answer is yes, if the heroes later in the campaign end their movement in the same location do they earn another conquest point?

4) How many rumours can the party have in a week (i know is just 1 at the same time)?. For example if they dont like the first one, can other hero go to the tavern and change the actual rumour?

I don't have the game in english, but there is a rumour named something like "Nothing new". What happens if that rumour is drawn? At the flavour text it says there are no more rumours for the week, but as flavour text are not rules, could a heroes go to the tavern and draw a new rumour card?

5) The kerak map, the boat and that staff which allow to move twice are available to buy since the beginning of the campaign or the heroes have to do something first?

6) If the group perform a Recuperate/Train action, a hero could restore all their wounds and fatige just paying 50 coins even if they are on a dungeon location or a secret master trainer?

thanks for reading,


1) No limit on upgrading with fatique

2) They don't recover fatigue when they exit a dungeon, or at least my rereading of the rulebook couldn't find that. They recover at the end of an encounter regardless of outcome.

3) They get it for just going there, they do not need to enter the dungeon. As for marking it, I just circle the name on the sheet.

4) Huh, I'm not sure what happens with multiple heroes at the tavern. I don't see anything that says each hero there can't pull one, but they would have to do it in order. So Hero A pulls one, then Hero B pulls one and they decide which to keep.

5) Available at the start.

6) They can't do it unless they are in a city or secret training area. Yes, you have to pay.

2) Per the FAQ, they recover fatigue at the end of any quest, be it an encounter or dungeon.

4) Everyone can get rumors, even if "No news" appears.

James McMurray said:

2) Per the FAQ, they recover fatigue at the end of any quest, be it an encounter or dungeon.

4) Everyone can get rumors, even if "No news" appears.

Forgot they FAQ'd that.

Thanks for your answers, I don't want to annoy you asking the same questions again, but there are some things that I dont get.

James McMurray said:

2) Per the FAQ, they recover fatigue at the end of any quest, be it an encounter or dungeon.

I still don't understand this one. When the heroes flee or finish a dungeon (by killing the leader and returning through the portal) they are restored to full fatigue. When the group finish a encounter they are also restored to full fatigue regardless of the encounter's result.

Why then the city Temples could restore to full fatigue an heroe if there is no way they could reach a city without full fatigue?. Is there any event or card which make the heroes spend fatigue when they are just moving through the map?

Big Remy said:

6) They can't do it unless they are in a city or secret training area. Yes, you have to pay.

Supose a group decides to do a Recuperate/Train action on a city. A hero says he is going to Train , he goes to The Temple, pays 50 coins and recoversall his wounds and fatigue. Another hero decides to Recuperate which as stated in the rulebook: I f a hero recuperates, he spends 50 coins and is restored to full wounds and fatigue. So there is no diference at all.

So do you mean the Recuperate thing is only useful for recovering fatigue and wounds at Secret training areas. Besides of that, doesn't do anything.


I still don't understand this one. When the heroes flee or finish a dungeon (by killing the leader and returning through the portal) they are restored to full fatigue. When the group finish a encounter they are also restored to full fatigue regardless of the encounter's result.

Why then the city Temples could restore to full fatigue an heroe if there is no way they could reach a city without full fatigue?. Is there any event or card which make the heroes spend fatigue when they are just moving through the map?

I suppose it's possible that they stayed in town a couple of weeks and the guy in the tavern with the Ghost Armor rune kept finding himself in brawls. Other than that, there's nothing I know of that would cause you to care about your fatigue in town.

Supose a group decides to do a Recuperate/Train action on a city. A hero says he is going to Train , he goes to The Temple, pays 50 coins and recoversall his wounds and fatigue. Another hero decides to Recuperate which as stated in the rulebook: I f a hero recuperates, he spends 50 coins and is restored to full wounds and fatigue. So there is no diference at all.

So do you mean the Recuperate thing is only useful for recovering fatigue and wounds at Secret training areas. Besides of that, doesn't do anything.

According to the GLoAQ , you have to be in town to heal. If you're not using that set of "unofficial official" rulings, feel free to spend turns out in the wilderness healing.

bomber said:

Thanks for your answers, I don't want to annoy you asking the same questions again, but there are some things that I dont get.

James McMurray said:

2) Per the FAQ, they recover fatigue at the end of any quest, be it an encounter or dungeon.

I still don't understand this one. When the heroes flee or finish a dungeon (by killing the leader and returning through the portal) they are restored to full fatigue. When the group finish a encounter they are also restored to full fatigue regardless of the encounter's result.

Why then the city Temples could restore to full fatigue an heroe if there is no way they could reach a city without full fatigue?. Is there any event or card which make the heroes spend fatigue when they are just moving through the map?

Big Remy said:

6) They can't do it unless they are in a city or secret training area. Yes, you have to pay.

Supose a group decides to do a Recuperate/Train action on a city. A hero says he is going to Train , he goes to The Temple, pays 50 coins and recoversall his wounds and fatigue. Another hero decides to Recuperate which as stated in the rulebook: I f a hero recuperates, he spends 50 coins and is restored to full wounds and fatigue. So there is no diference at all.

So do you mean the Recuperate thing is only useful for recovering fatigue and wounds at Secret training areas. Besides of that, doesn't do anything.


These are really related questions.
The temple rules have some minor mixups that are easily ignored but confuse a few people.
Firstly, restoring fatigue as well as wounds in a Train circumstances is indeed meaningless. It is likely to be a relict of an earlier (pre-release playtesting or similar, most likely) version of the rules, perhaps when fatigue was not automatically recovered at the end of every dungeon/encounter.
Secondly, Recuperate and Train are exactly the same thing if you Train at the temple. The Recuperate word is utterly unnecessary and confuses more than a few people. Recuperate is Train. Most likely 'Recuperate' was used purely because 'Train' just sounds wrong for what the hero is doing that week at the Temple.
This game is one of the greatest I've played but it's rules editing and consistency is probably the worst I've ever seen. You have to get used to not over-analysing some things, then having to do some close analysis on other things to work out the best resolution for some inconsistancies.

Thanks for all your answers. Descent developers really know how to create a huge mess of rules.
