New Dice and stuff

By Malwing, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I Just got Descent and WOW. this game has a lot of pieces. I had to buy two organizers to store it all.

The dice are cool but I think I'm going to need more. After reading the rules the dice seem to want to be rolled by one person at a time per game. this would be fine but I know they're going to be lost at some point because three of my players have the attention span of gnats and dice in most games get lost eventually.

But I cant find any new dice to buy. are there any Decent dice on sale somewhere? also are there any stat keeping sheets or devices because now that I think of it, aside from cards the three previously mentioned players are going to lose any piece they touch, so I may need more wound and fatigue tokens.

Malwing said:

But I cant find any new dice to buy. are there any Decent dice on sale somewhere? also are there any stat keeping sheets or devices because now that I think of it, aside from cards the three previously mentioned players are going to lose any piece they touch, so I may need more wound and fatigue tokens.

Link at the top of the page: Shop->Board Games->Descent

Although they seem to be out of stock on dice right now.

Look at the files section for Descent of Boardgamegeek. There are several player's mats and other things to help with Descent. And technically you are limited to the counters that come with the game. If you lose some you will need to replace them with some other counter or object, like maybe glass beads which you can get very cheaply at a hobby/craft store.

Definitely crack down on making those players put their dice back in the middle of the table after they use them. It's one thing to lose dice when you're playing an RPG and can buy a pound of dice for a few bucks, but the Descent dice are very specialized. You can buy more, but it's probably better to get your friends to respect your stuff instead.