First off, the event was a complete success: over $1600 was raised for the Heisler family!
I was running Hera with autoblaster turret / accuracy corrector / title / engine upgrade, Zeb with just the title, and Ello Asty with VI and autothrusters.
In the 1st round I was paired off against Josh's triple U-boat bump list. Saboteurs, feedback arrays and intimidation abounded. With both of my ships boosting, I was able to engage the U-boats one at a time and burn them down pretty quickly. The high point of the match was a single crit turning the game from a 100-0 blowout to a 100-58 margin. A major explosion on Ello cascaded into his death before he could finish off a U-boat with only 1 hull left... which allowed my opponent an additional turn to get the Ghost down to half strength.
In the 2nd round I faced off against Jonas (IIRC?), one of the Vancouver, B.C. contingent. He was running a hilarious-yet-surprisingly-effective troll list that had a tractor beam Outrider and a pair of TLT/prox mine y-wings. The tractor beams let the Y-wings smoke Ello early on, which meant Hera was down to only two hull by the time the Outrider was alone. Easily the best game of the day.
In the 3rd round, Scott was running four autoblaster Y-wings and a GSP. As with the first round, I was able to engage the Y-wings one at a time, but their primary weapons loved the zero agility on the Ghost. By the time I killed the last Y-wing, there was only 1 hull left on Hera and Ello was a slowly expanding debris cloud.
In my final game, I faced off against Chaz's Palp / Soontir / Ryad list. Between the four auto-hits from Hera and the support of Ello Asty, I was able to burn down the emperor and Soontir in short order, but Ryad was able to finish off the Ghost and Phantom. Ello and Ryad then spent literally 10-12 rounds doing the tornado of green K-turn and white talon roll, with Ello being able to get a flanking shot every third go-round or so. They started the duel with only one hp left on Ryad and Ello being fully charged, and it ended with no shields on Ello.
At the end of the day, I finished 4-0, hung out with an awesome group, and we raised a ton of money to take care of one of our own. Couldn't ask for better. A huge thank you to all who contributed and participated in a great event!