Hey Guys,
New GM and yet to play a game so I am reading through the core rulebook and I am a little confused on passing out and insanities.
The rulebook says... A character who has suffered more stress than his willpower rating passes out from exhaustion..(pg 62)
pg 67 under Insanity states if a characters willpower is distressed they are susceptible to the ravages of insanity.. if willpower becomes distressed don't they pass out???
Help... Passing out...
You've slightly misread the rules Rob:
"If a character is unfortunate enough to suffer from so much stress that he has suffered more stress tokens than twice his Willpower rating, he passes out from exhaustion. Likewise, if a character suf - fers more fatigue tokens than twice his Toughness rating, he falls unconscious."
So you don't pass out until either fatigue or stress is more than twice toughness or willpower respectively.
Thanks! I had a suspicion it could be twice but I could not find that written anywhere, was that in the errata or something or do you have a page reference?
I am reading the physical book from the core set.
"Passing out & Strain" (page 62, bottom of right column)
Edited by syd3r
Yes that's the section I have been looking at and in my rule book the word "twice" is never mentioned which is why I wondered if it was in the errata or digital copy.
In my copy.... word for word...
Pg 62 under passing out & strain
"If a character is unfortunate enough to suffer from so much stress that he has suffered more stress tokens than his willpower rating, he passes out from exhaustion"
If it has been updated in an errata or digital copy than maybe I should be reading that instead because there might be a few other things cleaned up.
Not at home at the moment to check. But could it be that the misprint is found in the soft cover rulebook from the core box, while the word twice can be found in the hard cover Player's Guide?
I guess this was probably in the errata as well, but that has been removed due to FFG not having the license for Warhammer anymore and as such the product and support pages are removed from FFGs website.
But the rule should be: "more stress tokens than twice his Willpower rating" and "more fatigue tokens than twice his Toughness rating"
Well that IS odd, because my softcover book from the core set says "twice." I suppose they must have fixed it for one of their reprints? Wonder what else they must have fixed...
That is odd. I checked my original softcover and it has the word twice. I got my box pretty early on, before any expansions had been printed. I wonder if someone accidentally printed an older version for a reprint.
I checked my printed copy of the errata, and it is not in there, but that is consistent with my early printing copy having the correct text. At any rate, here is the errata for you: