How should GMs portray NPCs' reactions to failed opposing checks? Would they know they failed a check and why? A nd how would their behavior change?
So here's the situation: I was running our EotE group through a D20 radio adventure the other night. For spoilers sake, we'll just refer to at "DMH" (wink and nod to GM Chris).
The crew's YT-1300 was jumped by three experimental TIE fighters flown by Imperial test pilots - I used the Rival TIE pilot card from the Adversary deck (Agility 4, Pilot 2, Gunnery 2).
After a couple of exchanges of fire, the crew's pilot (Agility 5, Pilot 3) used his 25xp "Brilliant Evasion" talent which calls for an Opposed Check against 1 opponent to "stop [the] opponent from attacking [the] character" for a number of rounds equal to the PC's Agility.
The PC's roll succeeded. When it came time for that TIE pilot's turn, I ruled that as an experienced pilot (you don't get to Rival level flying TIEs without some skill or luck), the TIE pilot realized that he was facing a much better pilot. With no other enemies to engage, he broke off the dogfight and flew away (fly maneuver) well beyond the range of the freighter's guns, activating a special ship mod as he did so (another pilot maneuver, taking 2 system strain). I had him remain outside of the next five rounds of combat - narratively he was observing the freighter to better judge his chances - before flying back into gun range after the fifth round... when he was promptly vaporized after his shot missed.
BUT: The PC pilot cried foul. In his mind, the enemy pilot could not have known that he was facing a better pilot, and should have remained in the dogfight to TRY to (futilely) attack the freighter. Essentially: surrendering his action every round to commit "suicide by PC."
So my questions for other GMs:
(1) HOW would you have played out the TIE pilot's reaction?
(2) WHY would the TIE pilot react the way you propose?
- GM Khyrith