Bionics - All Cybernetics

By MorbidDon, in Dark Heresy House Rules

So in my work of the past I compiled all the "cyber" I found throughout the RT game line - compared fluff, values, and such - then took what was best and least cheesy or broken and put it into one chapter for my personal game table book...

I am giving it away here now since FFG is closing the game line!

Granted I took liberties in the Grade Naming - so people who Role Play have "something" colloquially to call said items in-game rather than "hey give me best grade X, Y, Z"


Also and more importantly - I need to know what I missed from the other lines that "humans" (not post-humans) can use in Dark Heresy 2nd Edition!

Not interested in gear meant for Astartes or Mutants or Xenos filth - OK? (LMFAO)

Anyways here's the link - Enjoy



Nice, here's a couple of others to consider

From DH1:

. DAEMON HUNTERS;Techsorcism Mechandrite

. LATHE WORLDS; Perinatus Servoharness, Alatus Jumppack.

There are more, but my brain is disfunctional ATM ..

Ok, so I can add my own.

Availability for all the new bionic senses is the same as for classic ones. Of course Good and Best quality augmetics have also all the properties of the worse ones.

Bionic Sense: Thermoreception

These are thermal detectors located in nanocavities in augmented's cheeks. They allow him to detect differences in temperature between surfaces that he can draw a line of sight to. It gives a character a Dark Sight trait.

Good quality ones allow to fully "see" the surroundings with the sense, even with eyes closed. If the character had the Blind trait, he loses it thanks to this augmentation.

Best qualty ones when used with humans allow to judge their attitude and emotion, comparing temperatures of different body sections. Perfect resolution of this sense allows it to help in tasks requiring great attention to detail. It grants +20 to the scrutiny tests when the temperature can provide valuable information or clues (character still requires adequate knowledge to make use of the data he acquired. For example he can judge time of death of the body by measuring it's temperature, but he still needs Medicae skill to do that).

Bionic Sense: Electroreception

Called also "Shark's Tears" are microampulae covering augmented's face. They allow to detect electric discharges in the environment and therefore be aware of nearby electric instalations if they're on. Their placement and whether they're being used can also be noticed.

Good quality ones detect even the slightest discharges, like those forcing heart muscles to pump blood in living beings. Character with this augmentation can detect living creatures as if with an auspex, though without the need for Tech-Use test (only Awareness test required).

Best ones allow to some extent "read" the data that cogitators or machine spirits are processing. Character still requires Tech-Use skill test to succeed, though.

Bionic Sense: Canine Olfactorial Lobe

Actually two implants: one is the olfactory detector mounted inside (or instead) of the augmented's nose, the other is a brain implant. Together they allow to detect smells and to draw complex conclusions from them. It obviously requires atmosphere to function. Basic model gives +10 bonus to detect smells and track living creatures.

Good one allows to retrograde the olfactory profile of the environment. For example if there's a smell of blood in the room, the sense allows to tell when the blood was spilled and what other smells were present during this time. Movement of smells and their spacial relations can also be registered this way.

Best olfactorial lobes can be used in all tests to Chymistry tests to detect, identify, craft and research various substances. It grants +20 bonus to them.

Edited by Commediante

Very cool guys!

I will incorporate what you've posted herein to the Cyber Folio > though for Homemade "stuff" I will post that in the back under EXPERIMENTAL with some small print telling people how it's homemade bionics to consider in their game...

Keep the stuff coming + if you see a typo of error - please let me know!



OK - after looking at Macharian Handbook (Tools)

I see that I'll need to incorporate alot of the "improved" fluff and descriptions + there are a few things in there that I didn't have in my heretical works!

Anyhow - first thing - incorproate the 25 pages of stuff into mine / merge whats the same

After that I'll put in the cyber found in the Lathes book...

We all know Machine Trait / The Flesh is Weak is gone - on that note I will not be adding that back into our 2nd Edition folio herein...

I will from that look at the DH1 books though "stuff" that stacks on more AR than what is given in 2nd Edition will not be used / carried over!

Granted since my folio is meant for Humans (not Post-Humans or anything else - save whatever you consider a Man/Woman of Mars)

So I will skip over looking at Black Crusade & Deathwatch Books Entirely!



OK needs to vent (maybe some sort of plasma or gas who knows) - but **** - marrying all the Bionics from all the games is gonna be a hassle - now I see what people across the internet are saying about Admech converting issues from DH1 to DH2 - I thought it be as easy as Ohh just forget about the Flesh is Weak + Machine Trait and you should be fine... LOL

There are all these esoteric Talents one has to look up - then figure out OK - whats the new prerequisite herein for this since F.I.W. & M.T. are out of the game now - aka dammit LOL

I really like the Bionic stuff I saw in the Macharian PDF + what Commediante supplied above - just lots of work ahead cross referencing mostly


Edited by MorbidDon

OK I've updated that PDF today - it incorporates all the stuff found in the Macharian PDF - which was "mostly" just copied from prior source material...

Otherwise > I also got all the Rogue Trader Augments / Bionics as well!

I think I've also covered everything in the DH2 Core Rule book

From here I will look at all the old DH1 books and see what carries over - I will not create instances whereby Talents from 1st Edition need to be migrated as well - that's something I am going to avoid in its entirety as its not the focus of my work herein...

After that - I guess I'll put in home-brew stuff submitted by you guys and finish it all off with that...

Suggestions, Concerns, Advice?


My biggest wish is for a contents page! If that could happen, I think it'd really improve the quality and usability of the document. :)

Like Table of Contents - TheWordSmith?

If so - I can do that - no sweat! + your right it would be nice / I'm on it!

Very cool guys!

I will incorporate what you've posted herein to the Cyber Folio > though for Homemade "stuff" I will post that in the back under EXPERIMENTAL with some small print telling people how it's homemade bionics to consider in their game...

Keep the stuff coming + if you see a typo of error - please let me know!



Morbid, if you are looking for homemade, this was for RT/DH1

Also on your SynthMuscle you have Massive increase of weight as you go up in level, did that come from you own work or something you stumbled over somewhere?

what book where the exoskeletal augmentics from? Or was that fan made?