Perlemian Haul

By daddystabz, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

How did you all run this adventure? I'm a bit confused how to adjudicate it, with all the different cargo holds. How do the PC's move between them and then also get to the the M226 one?

What did you all do?

I ran an investigation on the station for the PCs to find cargo that was going to the right ship, and they infiltrated the cargo barge.

Once onboard I had them investigate the 3 cargo pods. One had general goods, one had prisoners from the Tantive IV, and the third had impounded starships, one of which I granted to the group as their initial starting resource

Thus far, my PC's have just got aboard M226. They posed as mining executives looking to expand operations, and thus had reason to talk to the governor and local dock crews to see how they could handle new business. They used the same guise to accompany to the dock crews on the ships to view first hand how efficient the dock teams were.

I had my players travel between cargo holders using a speeder. I essentially described the ship as so long in length that speeders were used in a long giant tunnel to get back and forth. I added the odd chase or vehicle combat to spice it up.