FFG Adventures order of play?

By Metushelah, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hey guys,

It might sound foolish but i want to run some of these premade adventures FFG created to my friends after listening to the order 66 podcast and was wandering if there is a certain order for recommended play?

If there is already a post on the subject i would be happy if you could point me to it as i couldn't find it on my own.

If not, could you maybe try and order them from your experience playing them?

Thank you for the help, i think this could be a real help for those only starting out in RPG play

The Age of Rebellion GM Kit (page 3) has a nice suggested order of play, specifically for AoR, for the adventures that had been published by the time the GM Kit was released.

For EotE, a discussion on the topic was had here .

There are a few topics on this subject (will try to dig them up). I would recommend start by going:

- Escape from MS

- Long Arm of the Hutt

- Trouble Brewing

The end of Trouble Brewing will get the PCs to the Smugglers Moon, where you can take your game in any number of directions.

Nice! thanks a lot :)

not sure how i missed those topics though... search doesn't function properly?

As Mentioned before, the AoR stuff FFG has a suggested order.

For Edge, personally, I ran Escape from Mos Shuuta, Long Arm of the Hutt, Trouble Brewing...

I switched things about abit, at the End of Trouble Brewing.

In Debts to Pay (GM Kit), I change the Hutt to the same as the end of Trouble Brewing, and used Blackmail to leverage the PCs cooperation for the forseeable future (My PCs killed Teemo, and he worked it out). So he could send them on various adventures. To date they have run Debts to Pay, Pirates of Prexier (modified), Crates of Kryats, Black Sun Rising (my own), and Under a Black Sun (Available somewhere), before I took a break from GMing.

If you can engineer a means to create a "Mission Giver" you can pretty much pick and choose where to send them, if thats your style, or cannot handle a Free Form style (like me).

I agree with RebelDave -> get the PCs a patron and then you can sort of send them all over. This topic actually inspired me to track down Crate of Krayts, so I just purchased the beta book on eBay (got a steal!).

Dave - how did you like Pirates of Prexier? It got mixed reviews on forums over the years...