What is the most interesting seed you've found that isn't prominent?

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

What is the most interesting seed, thread, plot, or minor thing you've found mentioned in the books, or single book, in the line?

For example in DH2 (as I'm posting this in all the game threads), I found the Skydock 4/4 heresy. I found it pretty interesting and there's a few ties across a couple of the books as well, but it's by no means prominent in the line.

Basically looking for things to look into in the lines to have a good idea of one game I'd like to run from each core.

This is probably not very minor but I really want to work the Wreck of Kasserkratch from BC into one of my games. It's basically a fully intact cruiser that pops in and out of the warp in the Screaming Vortex and is surprisingly not a generic space hulk. I like it for its creepy ghost ship vibe and the fact that it can actually be used as a proper warship unlike most space hulks.

Some of the stuff from the Jericho Reach in DW was super messed up and just ripe with potential for stories. If I remember correctly there was a brief description in Outer Reach of another ghost ship (I love ghost ship stories) that would re-enact its death and destruction every time it appeared while inflicting the same death upon other ships in the vicinity. There were conflicting reports of the ship being attacked or being torn apart by gravity fluctuations but its name came to signal that all Imperium ships should get the hell out if it comes up on their scanners.

In Disciples of the Dark Gods (DH1), there was something called 'The Murder Room' which really intrigued me when I read it and was a significant factor in the last arc that I ran.

Edited by Vorzakk

Jeez, almost every other page of DotDG has great plot seeds that can be spun off into an epic mission.

I kept finding the Empty Men heresy really interesting as well. Really anything that the Logicians are a part of are pretty interesting. Ashen Tear assassins, those guys are the coolest.