The Collected Tournament Format Topic

By Rinzler in a Tie, in X-Wing

Heheh, here's another fun one I designed & ran a bit ago -- IRON WING ! It's heavy on the list-building factor (as in, it takes some time & effort to nail down a list, not "the best list wins"), so if you like tinkering with lists, you'll probably like this. Everyone had a great time. I do believe, however, that in an effort to keep things from getting crazy broken, the rules forced things a bit too much.

Draws on Escalation, Furball, & "Squad Leader".

It's a five-round event:

  • Round 1: 31-pt Furball
  • Round 2: 75-pt Standard using your Round 1 pilot
  • Round 3: 36-pt Furball, *different faction from Round 1
  • Round 4: 100-pt Standard using Round 3 pilot
  • Round 5: 135-pt Standard utilizing anything you had in rounds 1-4. Multi-faction!

This was my list in Round 5 (Hobbie, not Biggs):


Edited by jme

Saw this topic a few days ago and noticed that my scenarios had been linked. It inspired me to finally update the scenarios so they are compatible with the newest tournament rules and publish some new ones that have been added since the inception of this project.

Asteroid Belt

Bombing Run

Bounty Hunt

Debris Field

Divide and Conquer

Escort Duty


Recon Patrol


Squad Leader

You are a god among men.

But thanks for all the copy/paste work I have to do now lol

Here's the format we ran in our 'Masters of the Force' event a few weeks ago..

Three rounds, three different 100pt squad lists.

Unique pilots and upgrades may only be used in one squad list. IE. Only one of your Imperial squad lists may include Palpatine crew. However R2-D2 crew may be in one of your Rebels squad lists, and R2-D2 Astromech may be in another. Similarly, one of your Imperial squad lists may have the Darth Vader pilot, whilst another may have the Darth Vader Crew.

Each of your three squad lists may be from the different factions. IE, Two Imperial, one Scum... or One Rebel, one Scum, one Imperial. (We may make it mono-faction the next time.)

At the start of each match, each player will be allowed to see their opponent’s remaining unused squad lists. Then each player will secretly choose one of their own unused squad lists to play, by placing their squad list face-down on the table, revealing their choice once both players have decided on a squad list.

Once a squad list has been used in a match, that squad list is discarded and cannot be used for the rest of the event.

Prizes were given for best of each faction and for the overall winner.

One of my LGS does a fun variation of the normal 100 point game for a winter kit each year.

You bring a 100 point list as usual, but before starting the game one of the players rolls an attack die. On a hit or crit result the players flip lists and use their opponents list.

It's a lot of fun and adds an interesting twist to list building as you want a competitive list, but if it's too good it might work against you. Also encourages you to bring ships and/or pilots that aren't used as often to make it harder for your opponent to fly potentially.

Edited by markcsoul

Hi all -

As the title indicates, I am making a concerted effort to compile a list of all tournament formats, including the official versions of yester-year and any fun, casual, or home-brew formats.

I would really appreciate the community's help by contributing tournament formats below. These can be tried and true or just formats you'd like to see. Please include as much detail as you can, links to videos, documents, or other threads that discuss or show these formats in action.

Thanks everyone.


Here are 2 tournament formats that I have played to add something different from the normal Meta influenced builds.

These were both played at Borderlands Comics and Games in Greenville, SC.

1) Wave 1 Only Tournament

Standard 100 point list rules, but only ships from Wave 1 are allowed.

T65 X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Tie Advanced and Y-Wing ships only.

Upgrade cards and pilots from any wave/release are allowed.

2) No Uniques Team Tournament (2 vs 2)

75 point list for each player. (150 on each side of the board.)

No named pilots or unique upgrades allowed (The ones with the Dot by the name)

Players are randomly paired in the first round, with allows for different factions together.

This may also result in your playing against someone you were previously paired with.

Win and MOV determined normally. Each player gets credit for the win/loss and the total MOV for their team in each game.

Had this in another thread, but I forgot about this. Call it a UNIQUE EVENT.

One thing you can do is have a Unique event. With that, I mean that all unique pilots/upgrades can only be flown by one person. You will have to have a draft event ahead of time. It doesn't have to be super complicated. Just have everyone bring a list of 10 uniques they would want to bring. Then, randomize each player and put them in order. The first person gets the first available unique on their list. With enough people, you will easily get some unusual lists. There will only be one Soontir Fel. There will only be one Emperor. Dengar might not get paired with Manaroo.

If you wanted to take it a step further, you can limit the number of some upgrades there are out there and require they take a unique slot. For example, there are only four /x7 titles that people can use. They will take up a unique slot in your list. Also throw in only 1 Advanced Cloaking Device, as well. Maybe limit the number of TLT's that can be picked. Anything you want to limit can be done this way. Worried Crack Swarm will dominate? Limit the number of Crackshots that can be taken to 6. Also, you can limit Royal Guard title, so that you have to use it as a pick. Maybe the guy who gets Soontir doesn't get Royal Guard title, which makes Soontir more reasonable.

For one, you won't see all the meta lists as people just won't get those upgrades. It will also encourage people to try pick non-meta uniques to try to actually get the uniques they want. There is also strategies to pick things that others can't take. For example, a Rebel player might put Palpatine as the top of his list, just to block any Imperial player from getting it.

EDIT 2: things you can limit can be very interesting. Limit PTL! Or Engine Upgrade. Maybe even Auto Thrusters. So, if you want the best Soontir, you will have to get something like 4 picks to get him. He's still good without one of those upgrades, but he will take up 40% of your picks to get the optimal Stealth Soontir.


300 point lists (no epic ships or upgrades)

5 Swiss-style rounds

- Before a round beings, players must choose to field 100 points of their 300 point lists.

- Shields lost and hull damage taken (both regular and critical) are not removed at the end of a round and will carry over into future rounds.

- Players must pick their 100 points to field before seeing what their opponent has brought.

This was a fun, quick tournament our LFGS did a few months ago. The two ways I saw people building their 300 point lists was either 3 individual 100 point lists, or 300 point lists that functioned more as a whole by being able to easily swap out damaged ships and replace them with various new combinations that were fresh.

Edited by Derpzilla88

Hi guys i recently take up the mantle of organizing X-Wing tournaments, and i am planning to organize CANTINA BRAWL mini tournament. The rules are pretty simple.

Each player brings list consisting of only one large base ship for 50pts.

The tournament is played in single round with all the players on one play mat 3x3 for up to 8 players and 6x3 for 9-14 players.

At the start players draw random numbers to determinate their deploy place and initiative in case of same pilot skill number.

The First Turn: No ship may perform an attack or Target Lock action during the first turn of the game.

Weapons go live starting Turn 2, after that is Free for all and last man standing is the winner of the tournament.

Here's another format aimed at promoting fair games while freeing players from the dominant metagame:


Each player brings two 100 point / 3 obstacle lists.

Before each game, the players flip a coin. The winner of the coin toss may choose which pair of lists will be used in the match - they may pick either their own pair of lists, or their opponent's pair of lists. They may not choose a pair of lists that is a combination of one list from either player - both lists used must come from one player .

After the pair of lists has been chosen, the player who did not bring the pair of selected lists may choose which list from the selected pair they will use during the match.

The match is then played following standard rules.

I call it "Sharing is Caring".

So, what you have here is a game where one player has built both lists that will be used in the match, but does not know which one they will be flying. A player has free reign to build lists that fall anywhere in the spectrum of list power, from top-tier to bottom-tier. But, if they bring a pair of lists that are of unequal power level (an extreme example would be 6 HWK-290s without turrets vs 4 TLT thugs), their opponent would be free to choose the more powerful list, and the author of those lists would be at a significant disadvantage. The smartest move is to bring two lists of equal power level.

Great compilation! Here is a thread i started yesterday with some 100 pt X-Wing formats that could be real interesting. Mostly inspired by Warhammer Fantasy Scenarios from 8th Edition Tournaments.

100 Point Dogfight Alternate Format/Objectives

Mind if I throw this hat into the ring?

Allies and Mercenaries (limited faction mixing for standard, escalation, and epic)

Format has basically 3 goals

  1. Allows for faction mixing that is relatively balanced against the pure faction meta but could still challenge the meta net lists.
  2. Make distinctions between the sub-faction lists inside of their primary factions.
  3. Give the Scum primary faction an alternative sub-faction in sort of ways.

How this is accomplished

  • Allow Rebels and Imperials to take a limited amount of "Mercenaries" from the Scum & Villainy
  • Rebels and Imperials will have to give up all pilots from one of their sub-faction to take Mercenaries
  • Impose tight restrictions on Mercenaries as to prevent simply combining the most powerful ship builds in the game (no Atanni Mindlink for Soontir) as well as give Mercenaries their own flavor that is separate from Scum & Villainy.
Edited by Marinealver

Curious - does anybody have the rules/heard of the 50-50 format? Bring two 50 point lists. At the start of each match your opponent looks at your lists and selects one to play while you do likewise with their 50 point lists. You then fly the combined result of the list you chose and the remaining of your list for a total of 100 points.

I don't know much more than that, but it sounds hilarious.

With all the "down-and-out" discussions going on, wanted to necro this thread and remind everyone there are plenty of variants to be had - even some can that be used competitively (with the right group) - and you can discuss/share them right here!

I didn't see it but didn't read the whole thread due to quote walls...

Mario Kart!