Wes, Biggs, Corran take on NOVA!

By Gornall, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Over Labor Day Weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the NOVA Open in Washington D.C. (well, really Arlington, VA) and play tons of X-Wing! I got to fly in the Narrative with unique missions, play in two Hunger Game death matches, and participate in a 107+ person Championship tournament!

I love my Rebels, so I decided to steal Paul Heaver's list and have been flying it for about 6 weeks. The list is:

Wes, R3-A2, VI, IA

Corran, R2D2, VI, FCS

Biggs, R4D6, IA

It is a fun list to fly and has some good tools for the current meta. I enjoy that it is relatively straight-forward (at least at my level of play) and relies on chucking red dice versus dodging everything with green dice/tokens. I am still experimenting with my setup, but normally I go with a variation of 3 across, with Biggs on the inside track, Wes right next to him, and Corran on the outside. This allows Corran to speed ahead and start banking on turns to keep formation. I have also experimented with staggered formations, with over a base width between Wes and Biggs, and Corran hanging behind them. If anyone has better advice, I am all ears!

Going into NOVA, my main goal was to finish 3-3, as last year I went 2-3-1. All of the Narrative games and Hunger Games matches were an absolute blast with very easy-going opponent's, so I was hoping for the same thing out of the Championship.

Game 1: Mirror Match!

Opponent's List:

Wes, BB-8, VI, IA

Corran, R2D2, VI, FCS

Biggs, R4D6, IA

Desired kill order: Biggs, Wes, Corran.

Aaron has been playing this list for a while, while I am relatively new to it. He also won the roll for initiative and passed it to me. While this would help me reduce incoming damage by being able to strip with Wes, it would make it much harder for me to K-turn and arc-dodge. We ended up with a fairly loose cluster of rocks in the middle of the board. Being the first round of the tournament, I tried not to overthink my deployment and setup in my left corner looking for a joust (from right to left: Wes, Corran, Biggs). The rocks were relatively close on that side, and I was hoping to limit the effect of BB-8. Aaron obliged and set up directly across from me.

In two turns, we were at Range 2 of each other (no creative maneuvering) and letting dice fly. My dice were very hot, and I managed to drop his Biggs at the cost of 2 shields off of mine. However, I proceeded to make some bad decisions and lost my Biggs without doing significant damage to Wes. Aaron was laying a hurt into my Wes, but made a risky BB-8 move with his Wes to get arc and finish off my Wes. However, he ended up bumping into my Wes, leaving himself in R1 of my pissed off Corran who dropped him with a double-tap. Aaron then proceeded to mop up my Wes next round, leaving us with Corran on Corran action. I tried a few exchanges against his Corran, but was not able to do much damage. Worried that initative would allow him to catch me in a bad position, I figured my best bet was to run and hope for FINAL SALVO. However, it ended up being too conservative, and he finally caught me at R2. Two flubbed defense rolls later and Corran was toast.

Lessons Learned: A lot of this came down to a series of stupid dial choices that caused me to squander my early lead. Aaron did a good job of keeping pressure on me and not giving up when I started running. He also gave me some great advice on the list (e.g. it actually prefers the old damage deck, especially the old 'Blinded Pilot') and general flying techniques.

L: 100-58

Game 2: BYE!

My opponent just flat didn't show up for this match. However, this gave me a quick mental break and a chance to get lunch.

Opponent's List:

Food Truck Pho, steak, meatballs

Diet Mountain Dew, 20z upgrade

Skittles, sour title

Desired kill order: Pho (meat, then broth), Diet Mountain Dew, Skittles

Lessons Learned: Byes are awesome!

W: 100-0

Game 3: Crack Swarm!

Opponent's List:

Howlrunner, Crack Shot

Omega Leader, Juke, Comm Relay

Zeta Leader, Crack Shot, TIE Mk II

Scourge, Crackshot


Desired kill order: Howlrunner, Omega Leader, Wampa

I went into this match very intimidated by the Crack Swarm. The reason I like my list is that it can joust with the best of them, but this is one exception to the rule. I knew that if I tried to joust, Biggs would evaporate in a puff of smoke. I managed to get a pretty tight grouping of rocks, so I set up in the opposite corner from Wampa and eventually the rest of John's ships (my right). The first turn, I think I slow rolled one forward to see what John was going to do. He came charging down my left, so I then started running straight down the right, hoping he would chase me through the asteroids. By the time I turned the corner, he had started to break his formation and was coming through the rocks to cut me off. That allowed me to get a very favorable engagement and kill Howlrunner before she was able to make an impact. After that, his TIEs started to converge again and started to grind down Biggs. While Biggs did his best to run (rocks split him up from Corran/Wes), his buddies tried to go TIE-hunting. I would have liked to have dropped Omega Leader early, as she is such an endgame monster, but my opponent did a good job of keeping her safe. Biggs did a good job of drawing off OL and ZL, which bought Wes and Corran enough time to finish off Wampa and then Scourge. So at this point, I was feeling pretty confident, as Wes and Corran are a great tag-team against OL. However, I managed to miss a couple of arcs against OL over several turns, which allowed my opponent to put a hurting on Wes. Finally, I was able to pull a last-ditch K-turn with Wes to get arc on OL in the same turn as a fully modified Corran. They then smoked OL and ZL finished off Wes. Time ended shortly afterwards.

Lessons Learned: Getting Howlrunner isolated and dead early was HUGE. I goofed up and reengaged with Wes before Corran was in a good position, which almost cost me the game. While the double-tap is nice, Corran needs Wes on the same target in order to really push damage through.

W: 78-58

Game 4: To Joust or Not to Joust?

Opponent's List:

Miranda, Jan Ors, TLT

Red Ace, R2D2, IA, Comm Relay


Desired kill order: Stresshawg (with prejudice!), Miranda, Red Ace

I have played the Stresshawg off and on the past year, so I knew it needed to die ASAP. My best chance would be to straight joust it and hope to drop it before Biggs dies. However, my opponent, Kevin, was openly debating about whether to joust me or not, as his TLTs will tear up my entire list. He sets up in the center between rocks, and I follow suit with Biggs in the center flanked by Wes on the right and Corran on the left. I try to do my best rule of 11 impression to avoid getting caught at R3 while he rolls in with the Hawg and Red Ace side-by-side. On the initial engagement, we end up at R2 and lucky for me, Miranda is cutting across from my right directly behind Red Ace and the Hawg. My dice once again help me out, and with 9 modified red dice at R2, I managed to do 8 damage to the Stresshawg before it was even able to shoot. Biggs was down 1-2 shields at this point, so I was in great shape. The following turn, Biggs banks slowly left in front of Red Ace in order to put guns on Miranda. However, Red Ace proceeds to bump into Biggs, leaving Red Ace with no shot. Miranda continues off to my left, and sets up for shots on Biggs. I managed to get a perfect kill box on Red Ace as Corran 4-Ks right behind Red Ace and Wes banks into R1 with a TL from my right. Wes proves once again why he is a great meta choice - he shoots into Red Ace, forcing him to spend his Jan Ors evade and stripping a couple of shields. Red Ace then proceeds to regain an Evade from losing the shield, but after the attack Wes just strips it again. OUCH! Corran the proceeds to lay pain into Red Ace, eventually killing him with the double tap while Biggs and Miranda plink at each other. The rest of the game involved Biggs trying not to die with one hull left while Corran and Wes finally hunted down and finished Miranda. I have to say that Kevin was a great sport even though the dice basically gave him the finger on the opening exchange. Actually all of my NOVA opponents were amazing to play against.

Lessons Learned: I think jousting the Stresshawg was 110% the right move. Had Kevin played more cagey with Miranda and circled her around the main joust, it could have been a different game. But a straight joust allowed me to counter his two biggest weapons (stress and Red Ace regen) early.

W: 100-0

Game 5: It's getting serious!

Opponent's List (unfortunately the exact list is not in List Juggler):

Kanan, Ion Cannon, Title, Recon Spec, Tactician, Engine Upgrade, FCS, ??

Airen Cracken, Swarm Leader

Zeb, Title, and not sure what else

Desired kill order: Burn the Ghost (screw double ion!), then Cracken, then Zeb

At this point, I am pretty happy – usually I do not keep a winning record at a tournament beyond the first game! One more win and I can lock in a winning record, even if one is a bye. I do not like playing against control lists, but Biggs does help limit their impact early. I took initiative, thinking I might block with Biggs. However, I think that was a terrible decision. The rocks were relatively loose with some fair-sized lanes. I set up in my right corner with Biggs in the center, Wes on the left, and Corran on the right. Andrew sat up in the center with an aim to go through the rocks. Kanan rolls out in front of Airen to protect the little Z-95. I try to shoot down the right side to get to open space where the ions will not hurt as bad. The turn before I am ready to turn in, he manages to boost in from my left. The resulting R3 shot thankfully does nothing. The following turn, I turn in to my left with Biggs, and Kanan turns to follow, but parks on a rock. However, Andrew uses Cracken's Swarm Leader to boost Kannan off of the rock and right in front of Biggs, facing towards the top right of the board. Wes and Corran are able to clear their moves, so I end up with all 3 of them at R1 of Kanan without any focus tokens, and Cracken way out of position. I proceed to drop 12 damage onto the Ghost at the cost of a slightly beat up and ioned Biggs.

At this point, all three of my ships are facing to my left, while Kanan is facing the corner and has to decide right or left. I guess he will try to go left to pursue my ships and give himself more movement options in the future. So I set up Corran to run and/or bump where I think Kanan will be, and I dial Wes to end up within R1 of Biggs and hopefully have a shot on Kanan. However, Andrew fakes me out and turns hard right with Kanan, leaving me with no shot. Biggs continues to get ioned/ground down, but Corran and Wes high-tail it out of there to set up for a future joust and hopefully PS-kill on Kanan. I race along Andrew's board edge and turn the corner of the rock field to point back towards me. Andrew turns the Ghost around and tries to approach me through the rocks with Airen tucked in VERY close behind. One the turn I turn to engage in the rocks, Andrew makes a key error. I could tell he wanted to move and use his boost to get one of my ships to bump, but he clips a rock with Kanan. But the dagger was when he went too fast with Cracken, causing him to bump into the back of Kanan. Kanan was now completely defenseless on rock, with only 4 health, while Corran and Wes roll into R1 of him with fully-modified shots. He evaporates, and now a largely untouched Wes and Corran just have to clear out a Z-95 and Attack Shuttle. It takes a couple of turns, but I am able to finish off Andrew's two remaining ships for a win.

Lessons Learned: I caught a break when Andrew had to boost on the main engagement turn. Otherwise, I would have had limited shots and might not have been able to do enough damage to get a future PS-kill. I should have went for a straight joust into the rocks, which would have limited his options, even if it meant the ions would have been scarier. Also, the bump with Airen was even more crucial, as a boost off the rock would have bumping issues for me and possibly prevented me from getting the kill shot I desperately needed. Andrew was a great guy, but was in the very unenviable position of playing next to a heated individual who was loudly complaining about his own match. It was obviously bothering him, which was very unfortunate. Once again, I was just very thankful that all of my opponents were awesome and very low-key. Andrew and I had a few rules questions, but we asked a judge, got our answer and kept flying casual.

W: 100-26

Game 6: Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnnnn!

Opponent's List:

Vessery with Juke and X7

Ryad with PTL, X7, and TIE Mark II

OGP with Palp

Desired kill order: Ryad, Shuttle, Vessery

Now I am a bundle of nerves! If I win, I make it into the Top 16; if I lose, I am probably out. Luckily my opponent, Gerald was yet another extremely nice individual, so I knew that it should at least be another fun game. From my limited experience against Palp Aces, my main goal is to kill one ace before I lose Biggs, and then drop the shuttle. We set up in opposite corners (me in my right), and I immediately turn in to rush along my edge. He charges down my left side with both Defenders and the shuttle, and his Defenders turn the corner as I get into joust range. The opening engagement goes relatively well, as I knock some shields off of Ryad and take some damage on Biggs in return. The following turn, I manage to block Ryad's straight/K with Biggs, and set up a kill box with Wes and Corran, dropping her with the double-tap. If I remember correctly, Vessery had K-turned at a weird angle, and did not contribute any damage.

At this point, I am breathing a huge sigh of relief having one of the aces down so early. The shuttle is bearing down on me, but I should be able to blast past it and get behind it easily. However, I get greedy and decide to take shots at Vessery who is in a vulnerable position due to his earlier K-turn and the shuttle limiting his routes. This does not go well, as I fail to make a meaningful dent in him. Had I even just poured damage into the shuttle at this point, I would have been in good shape. As it was, I made some bad choices trying to get Vessery and lost Biggs and started taking damage on Wes. Gerald took advantage of my mistake and ran away with the shuttle to try and protect the half-points. I tried to dog-fight Vessery with Corran, to buy time for Wes to run and/or chase down the shuttle. Vessery stayed hot on Wes's tail, but focuses, range bonuses, and some nice green dice kept Wes alive with 2 hulls and IA. I almost threw the game away at this point, as Wes came within a literal millimeter of flying off the edge. We called a judge over, and they ruled in my favor simply because it was too close to call with a chalk-line. We ended up not being able to do anything to each other and time ended with just Biggs and Ryad dead.

Lessons Learned: x7 Defenders are TANKS! I should have stuck with my initial target priority and focused the shuttle down before going after Vessery. Had I done that, It would have been a much less harrowing fight. To punch through a Palp'd Defender, I absolutely need Wes and Corran both on the same target, preferably in R1. Anything less is just wasted effort.

W: 36-26

With a 5-1 record and 862 MOV, I finished as #7 after Swiss! Even better, Gerald finished #16, meaning that I did not knock him out of the running! With our game being so close and having such a close call with Wes, I was very glad to see him also get Top 16. Turns out, that had I lost Wes, I think I would have also still finished in the Top 16 (we were actually doing fairly well with our MOVs). The top 25 got one of the “plastic” glossy alt-art Biggs cards, which was really awesome! Basically everything came together (great dice, no terrible matchups, limited mistakes on my part, etc.) allowing me to FAR exceed my expectations going into the tournament. It was also the first tournament in a long time where I did not have to play (and lose to) Duncan or Jeremy Howard, which I consider a major win, lol.

Elimination match (spoiler alert, Ben bombed me into the ground) coming later...

Congrats mate. Solid performance!

Nice recap, congrats on a great tournament for you

nice report.

like hearing about Rebels doing good

Nice report.

I am curious about your experiences with astromech on Wes. How R3-A2 worked out for you? Would you prefer other pick if given chance?

Thanks for reading and commenting!

Nice report.

I am curious about your experiences with astromech on Wes. How R3-A2 worked out for you? Would you prefer other pick if given chance?

I was torn on R3-A2, as he doesn't always come into play. But when he does, it can be huge. It practically guarantees a kill on Whisper and keeps other PTL Aces honest. It came in handy a couple of times for me, by limiting Miranda's slam options and by keeping the shuttle from stopping and blocking. But I also used it several times when I shouldn't have and it hurt me more than my opponent (mirror match for example). I think the key is being very deliberate in using it only at game-changing moments.

As for other options, I know some people love BB-8, but I am terrible at manuevering with him (bump city!). And some people love the boost droid, but I don't like losing PS10 on Corran. Paul Heaver even dropped by to comment before the tournament and mentioned he had went back and forth about his choice, so who knows what the best choice might be?

Nice report. I was in the hunger games both nights as well, what ship were you flying? I flew the bomber.

I flew the T-70, which was a boss! First night I did alright with it, and the second night I came in second behind an Interceptor that we had ignored for too long... the Hunger Games were super fun!