Ready Action - questions

By nylzero, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello All!

I have the following question about the Ready hero action in Descent : Journeys into the Dark :

-in the rulebook : "D. Ready : A hero that readies can either move up to a number of spaces equal to his speed or make 1 attack

during his turn. In addition , a hero that readies may place one hero order token...."

Example 1 : i make an attack then i place an AIM order and make an Aimed attack? (so the Battle action is useless?!)

Example 2 : i move and then place the AIM order and make an Aimed attack? (the Advance action is useless?!)

Or in Ready action i can only attack once? (and this attack is the Aimed attack?)

Example 3 : i attack and then i place a Guard order, so i can attack again in the OL's turn?

Thanks for the answers!

Example 1 does not work. You have to place the aim order then attack!

Otherwise you have to have to pray not to be hit during the OL's turn and then your first action can be an aimed attacked!

Same for example 2.

Example 3works fine! gran_risa.gif

Thank You very much for the fast answers!

not exactly true. you can attack and place an aimed attack afterwards. this will stay until you get damage, move or use it on an attack.

you dont get an attack out of aim, you just can discard it to make an aimed attack out of a "normal" attack

Turric4n said:

not exactly true. you can attack and place an aimed attack afterwards. this will stay until you get damage, move or use it on an attack.

you dont get an attack out of aim, you just can discard it to make an aimed attack out of a "normal" attack

yes that is what I said underneath! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Lord Hawthorn equips a boss weapon, declares a ready action then spends 3 fatigue to get closer to his target. Spends his last fatigue to drink a power potion and readies an Aim order.

Spends the Aim order to make his attack with the boss weapon aimed, uses his power potion to boost all his dice and swings his mighty sword and obliterates the copper level Kobold!!!

and cheats by drinking 2 potions :P

Turric4n said:

and cheats by drinking 2 potions :P

he only drank the power potion! gui%C3%B1o.gif

oh my mistake :D