Where are we in Mid September

By Aahzmandius_Karrde, in Star Wars: Destiny

So with about half of September almost up where are we on what we know. We seem to be about 2 months out based on what everything is saying, and we've seen the product for about a month now. And let me tell you folks, what we've seen is the final product.

There was a big argument in one thread about "we don't have the final rules", but I'm definitely going to call bull-crap on that. We might not have a RRG, but we have all the rules that you're going to get when you crack the starter pack. The starter packs that were at GenCon were production copies, probably air-shipped early to act as both production proofs and as demo product. I suspected that when GenCon was going on, but I was solidified in that belief when the Canadian Nationals did the demo stream. These were Non-FFG folks with their hands on the same product that was at GenCon, so I doubt anything will be different when we get our hands on stuff.

"But the upcoming page says at the printer" I hear you say, and I say the upcoming page has been a bit of spin management for most of the year. I've said before that I believe the way they handle that page has changed completely since the Asmodee acquisition. My other belief about this is how they have to play in the CCG/TCG market. It's been a known fact that WotC produces and sits on Magic:TG stock for a little while so that they can meet huge release dates multiple times a year. I don't think they have to go quite ahead yet and they haven't made a firm release date though most people expect during Worlds, I think they are going to start working towards this style of release.

So anyway, we've got the Rules ( http://swdestinywiki.viluppo.net/ ), we've got a good list of cards ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nZcJsdL6wY4nWBtzAThpHDKEhpk676azduC5h5RtTU0/edit?usp=sharing ) and we've got previews to look forward to over the next two months.

I'm looking forward to it.

The game releases in November so....?