Tomb of Ice Monsters

By cal98, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just recently I bought the Decent Expantion: Tomb of Ice. I comes with a new monsters, and I've liked it so far. However each monster comes with two double-sided cards, and I'm not sure which sides to use.


would be the same as the base game.

each card has a 2, 3, 4, or 5 on it. Use for how many hero's your group is using.

The other set should have a bronze, silver, gold, and 'diamond' color emblem in the corner.
These are only used in the Road to Legend Expansion.

Now I feel stupid, I missed the numbered cards.

KAGE13 said:

would be the same as the base game.

each card has a 2, 3, 4, or 5 on it. Use for how many hero's your group is using.

The other set should have a bronze, silver, gold, and 'diamond' color emblem in the corner.
These are only used in the Road to Legend Expansion.

Just to clarify, that's how many players (including OL), assuming that each player controls one hero (except when there are only 2 players and the hero player controls 2 heroes. You'll note that the #2 card side and #3 card side have identical stats because it is really the same situation as a three player game).

Its simpler to think of it as 'how many heroes, +1'.