So, upon reading the spotlight page, I noticed a couple things that I didn't see on the demos. I'd like to ask for the people who got the chance to play if they have any information on this stuff.
First, this dial:
Any idea what's the deal about it? Maybe just a fancy VP tracker?
And this:
I assume this is a scenario/objective card. For some reason I was under the impression this would be just a battle, much like X-Wing dogfighting style. I'm really glad we'll get different objectives (one of the main reasons I stopped playing x-wing, I got sick of dogfighting). I wonder how many of those we'll get, and for those familiar with Armada (since I heard Armada makes use of stuff like that, and presume, RuneWars will probably have something similar to that) how diverse and interesting these objectives can be.
Also notice the number 20 on the upper corner... and upon reading the text, it seems each player get to choose a scenario card. interesting. Would that be a reward (VP) or a cost? What's the deal here, any ideas?
Edited by Zsig