Hidden Fleet card makes the fleet not so hidden

By John79, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Having played only a few times, I am not sure how to use the hidden fleet card that the rebels can draw. When I first played the card, I thought hidden fleet, excellent! I can drop the rebel fleet right in front of the imperials and melt there faces off. Nope! (yes it did, but illegally) The small text reads, "The fleet must be located in a system with no imperial units in it." and the card title should read "Turn your rebel chums into shark bait". I am wondering how this card can be played well.

You've happened upon the nature of the card... it is primarily defensive and strategic rather than offensive and tactical. "Preparing the Assault" is the one you want to use when it's time to blow the DS. Hidden fleet is a good combo with your starter logistics mission which allows you to either move 5 units to your hidden Rebel Base or move your revealed Base. If you have a Corvette, a couple of y-wings and a couple of x-wings cornered on the board, use your starter mission to whisk them away to your base. Next turn, deploy them on the other side of the board with hidden fleet to spread your forces out and achieve objective points. Contrariwise you might deploy a large fleet from your hidden Rebel base to a more useable location because you plan to move your base at the end of your turn and you don't want the majority of your units stuck on Ryloth. Other uses include: deploying units to a key system you want to build an alliance with (you get +2 dice for that mission if you have rebel troops present); deploying units to an undefended Imperial system on a production turn to blockade; deploying units to an undefended core world with an eye to invading Coruscant the next turn (as you get the first move); and just setting up one of your objectives for the next turn. This card helps you get behind the lines and choose better combat situations for the next turn, where on the first turn you move this fleet into a system to liberate a subjugated system, win space or ground combats, etc.... Sometimes its about finding the right combos. Maybe there's a system you'd like to put your rebel fleet, but there are a couple of Tie Fighters or storm troopers there. Fry them with Rebel Assault and then, move your fleet into the newly cleared system. Hope this helps...

Yes it does help. I will have to try some of these strategies out. I have yet to try things like moving the rebel base. Thanks for the great reply.