LONDON MASTERS - 1st October

By florianhess, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

There are a few in that list Ard. The obvious one being TheCallum. SmurfWedge will be in there too and some others.

Its disheartening to see that Laurence is still in the top spots. I really hoped that the new toys in wave 3 and 4 would be a bit of a roadblock for him. His is the list I am interested in.

I'm sorry to disappoint you...

I take it all back.


The best of Britain is coming for you!

Hehe, good luck, its gonna be a toughie.


Top 8 fleet list

1st: Nigel Gray

[ REBEL FLEET (399 points)

1 • MC80 Star Cruiser - Lando Calrissian - Gunnery Team - Medical Team - Leading Shots - Spinal Armament - XI7 Turbolasers - Mon Karren (135)

2 • CR90 Corellian Corvette A - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits - Jaina's Light (53)

3 • CR90 Corellian Corvette A - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (51)

4 • CR90 Corellian Corvette A - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (51)

5 • GR-75 Medium Transports - General Cracken - Walex Blissex - Repair Crews - Bright Hope (55)

6 • A-wing Squadron (11)

7 • A-wing Squadron (11)

8 • YT-2400 (16)

9 • YT-2400 (16)

10 • Objectives - Most Wanted - Contested Outpost - Intel Sweep (0)

2nd: Jonathan Sharpling

[ EMPIRE FLEET (391 points)

1 • Imperial II-class Star Destroyer - Admiral Motti - Intel Officer - Electronic Countermeasures - Leading Shots - XI7 Turbolasers - Relentless (171)

2 • Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer - Intel Officer - Ordnance Experts - Engine Techs - Assault Proton Torpedoes - Demolisher (90)

3 • Gozanti-class Cruisers - Expanded Hangar Bay - Vector (30)

4 • Major Rhymer TIE Bomber Squadron (16)

5 • Firespray-31 (18)

6 • Firespray-31 (18)

7 • Firespray-31 (18)

8 • Firespray-31 (18)

9 • JumpMaster 5000 (12)

10 • Objectives - Most Wanted - Fire Lanes - Superior Positions (0)

3rd: Przemo Paluszynski

[ REBEL FLEET (400 points)

1 • Assault Frigate Mark II B - Toryn Farr - Electronic Countermeasures (86)

2 • Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - Raymus Antilles - Yavaris (69)

3 • GR-75 Medium Transports - Bomber Command Center - Boosted Comms - Bright Hope (32)

4 • CR90 Corellian Corvette A - General Rieekan - Lando Calrissian - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (85)

5 • Luke Skywalker X-wing Squadron (20)

6 • Wedge Antilles X-wing Squadron (19)

7 • X-wing Squadron (13)

8 • X-wing Squadron (13)

9 • Jan Ors Moldy Crow (19)

10 • Dash Rendar Outrider (24)

11 • Y-wing Squadron (10)

12 • Y-wing Squadron (10)

13 • Objectives - Precision Strike - Hyperspace Assault - Superior Positions (0)

4th: Laurence Evanson

- no data available -

- rebel sabotage act confirmed -

*we have been kindly asked to not publish Laurence's list

5th: Mark Radford

- no data available -

- rebel sabotage act confirmed -

*we have been kindly asked to not publish Mark's list

6th: Liam Tormey

[ REBEL FLEET (397 points)

1 • MC80 Battle Cruiser - General Dodonna - Raymus Antilles - Gunnery Team - Engine Techs - Leading Shots - XI7 Turbolasers - XX-9 Turbolasers - Mon Karren (168)

2 • Nebulon-B Escort Frigate - Adar Tallon - Slaved Turrets - Yavaris (78)

3 • GR-75 Medium Transports - Bomber Command Center - Boosted Comms (30)

4 • GR-75 Medium Transports - Bomber Command Center - Boosted Comms (30)

5 • Luke Skywalker X-wing Squadron (20)

6 • X-wing Squadron (13)

7 • X-wing Squadron (13)

8 • X-wing Squadron (13)

9 • X-wing Squadron (13)

10 • Jan Ors Moldy Crow (19)

11 • Objectives - Precision Strike - Contested Outpost - Dangerous Territory (0)

7th: James Stead

[ REBEL FLEET (400 points)

1 • MC80 Assault Cruiser - Admiral Ackbar - Engine Techs - Electronic Countermeasures - Leading Shots - XI7 Turbolasers - Defiance (182)

2 • Assault Frigate Mark II B - Veteran Gunners - XI7 Turbolasers (83)

3 • CR90 Corellian Corvette A - Turbolaser Reroute Circuits - Jaina's Light (53)

4 • GR-75 Medium Transports - Leia Organa - Comms Net (23)

5 • Tycho Celchu A-wing Squadron (16)

6 • A-wing Squadron (11)

7 • YT-2400 (16)

8 • YT-2400 (16)

9 • Objectives (0) - no data available -

8th: Jonathan Hocker

[ EMPIRE FLEET (400 points)

1 • Imperial II-class Star Destroyer - Commandant Aresko - Gunnery Team - Electronic Countermeasures - Leading Shots - H9 Turbolasers - Relentless (156)

2 • Interdictor Suppression Refit - Admiral Motti - Projection Experts - Targeting Scrambler - G7-X Grav Well Projector - Interdictor (130)

3 • Raider I-class corvette - Agent Kallus - Ruthless Strategists - Impetuous (55)

4 • Gozanti-class Cruisers - Repair Crews (27)

5 • TIE Fighter Squadron (8)

6 • TIE Fighter Squadron (8)

7 • TIE Fighter Squadron (8)

8 • TIE Fighter Squadron (8)

9 • Objectives - Most Wanted - Contested Outpost - Superior Positions (0)

Edited by florianhess

Hang on..... THAT Nigel!

Proud to have lost to that list the week before :D

Just wanted to say big thank you to Florian Hess and Warboar Games for organising and running this fantastic tournament. It was my first tournament and I decided to join in very last moment, but...if I only knew before how much fun it is, then I would never hesitate for a second!

Thanks to Florian for running a great event. It was a fun day, with a great crowd and some really interesting fleet builds.

Important lesson for me learned from this tournament: Take more squadrons!!

Yeah I concur. Fantastic event run by Florian. Great venue, prize support and players.

Fun afternoon.

I came midtable 17th with 4 really good games with really friendly opponents, most of which came from outside of London and travelled all the way down.

Really close game all of which came down to the final turn to decide it pretty much

Game 1 - 6-5 loss by 8 points (against Imperials - Screed)

Game 2 - 7-4 loss by 99 points (against Rebels - Ackbar)

Game 3 - 7-4 loss by 101 points (against Rebels - Mon Mothma)

Game 1 - 8-3 win by 160 points (against Imperials - Vader)

All in all a great day. Cant wait for the next one!!

Since we're doing mini AARs, I came 16th (I can never break Into the **** top half).

Fielded a twin ET Star Cruiser list with 3 transports and bare-bones 4 A-WINGS.

Lost the first game badly against the hard counter to my fleet: 6 Gozanti and a Rhymer mega-ball. His contested outpost. The A-Wings held up nicely but we're. Ot enough to pin down the ball for the whole game, whilst the Libs lacked any juicy targets.

Lost 9-2

Second game against a ISD Demo list. His Minefields. This was more what I built to fight. Won 9-2.

Third game: Rieekan Aces with Tricked out Battle cruiser. My contested outpost. Just lost the game but a load of points came my way via Yavaris flown off the board. I forget the score. 7-4 loss I think.

Fourth round: ISD Demo list again.his Minefields. It was a pretty even score, I forget what it was. Libs both whiffed hard over several turns when demo was in the crossfire and it escaped.

Overall I really like the twin ET lib setupbut lack of dice modification and decent long range damage really made it unpredictable. The list needs a rejig to make the dice more reliable. I did like the ability to zoom both ships straight behind the opponent. Also I didn't miss a larger squadron force except for the first game, and that list would have been hard even with squads due to the **** scatter on the flotillas.

Lastly, I've picked up someone's minefields card. Would anyone like to claim it?

Edited by ManInTheBox

Many thanks for all the kind words! ^_^

Having seen more then 6 months of planning and work come to fruition in such a great way and the immensely positive community feedback really motivates me to make it happen again next year.

Edited by florianhess

Yeah I concur. Fantastic event run by Florian. Great venue, prize support and players.

Fun afternoon.

I came midtable 17th with 4 really good games with really friendly opponents, most of which came from outside of London and travelled all the way down.

Really close game all of which came down to the final turn to decide it pretty much

Game 1 - 6-5 loss by 8 points (against Imperials - Screed)

Game 2 - 7-4 loss by 99 points (against Rebels - Ackbar)

Game 3 - 7-4 loss by 101 points (against Rebels - Mon Mothma)

Game 1 - 8-3 win by 160 points (against Imperials - Vader)

All in all a great day. Cant wait for the next one!!

Haha, hey Smurf. I was driving the Admiral Ackbar fleet you faced in round 2! Very close game, to the point where a few less blank red dice from your whale would have evened the score.

My capital ship heavy list did ok against the same, but really struggled against squadrons. I just need to figure out how to use squadrons myself now!

Hey Mundo (James I assume)

Yeah it was a really good game dice let me down but you played it really well.

My bombers just didn't do enough and your placing of your screen was great....tied them up enough that they didn't feature as much as I wanted them to.

Yeah it seems more and more fleets are going slightly more squadron heavy so coming in too light can really hurt.