LONDON MASTERS - 1st October

By florianhess, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Warboar Games is proud to announce it will be hosting the first London Masters tournament for FFG’s Star Wars Armada.


London Masters is an independently organised tournament by the local community and the first of its kind in the Greater London area.

Join us on the 1st of October 2016 for a fun day of epic space fleet battles & loads of prizes, give aways as well as a wooden spoon!

Each player will receive a custom made ISD2 alt art card that won’t be available anywhere else.

Additional prize support includes fantastic support by the sponsors:

- Deep Cut Studios

- Cog'o'Two

- Mag-Deck

Everybody is welcome, new players as well as seasoned veterans alike.

Players will compete through 4 rounds with 400 pts fleets. The tournament will follow FFG’s tournament guidelines and etiquette, positioning itself in the formal tier.

The estimated timetable for the day:

9:30 Registration Opens
10:00 Player briefing

10:15 Start of round 1
12:30 End of round 1

13:00 Start of round 2
15:15 End of round 2

15:45 Start of round 3
18:00 end of round 3

18:30 Start of round 4
20:45 end of round 4

21:00 Awards ceremony

Tickets are £12.50 and seats are limited to 32 players, so secure your spot soon!



DISCLAIMER: This non­profit event is not affiliated with or endorsed by FFG.

Edited by florianhess

Bromley, to those wondering

Anyone heading to this from the South West? i.e. got a spare seat? I have petrol money and snacks! :D

Masters ? Seriously, you guys get a Masters tournament? Why don't we have a Masters tournament.

Because our circle is complete....

Bromley, to those wondering

Yeah, realised i should have included it in the title after hitting the button. No edit function for the thread title i am afraid ^_^

If you are interested in joining and got any questions, either ask them here or on the Facebook event page. I will aim to answer and advise as soon as possible.

Personally, really looking forward to all the work and support coming together and what players come up with now that wave 3 & 4 are available.

Edited by florianhess

Masters ? Seriously, you guys get a Masters tournament? Why don't we have a Masters tournament.

If the community feedback and dedication is strong enough, maybe there will be a Masters Series one day...

In the absence of an official FAQ, is there any change of an unofficial Masters-only stance on things like Jamming Field, G8 vs engine techs, and multiple re-roll BCCs/Targetting Scrambler?

In the absence of an official FAQ, is there any change of an unofficial Masters-only stance on things like Jamming Field, G8 vs engine techs, and multiple re-roll BCCs/Targetting Scrambler?

Sorry for the slow reply and thanks for bringing these up.

I will look into all and prepare a ruling to be announced latest on the day of the event.

Edited by florianhess

Whats the nearest train/tube?

Scratch that, its going to be Bromley by bow, which is a pain in the arse yo get to.

Edited by Ginkapo

Whats the nearest train/tube?

Scratch that, its going to be Bromley by bow, which is a pain in the arse yo get to.

Thats the wrong bromley gink.

You're after Bromely South station if you're coming from Bedford.

Edited by TheCallum

Whats the nearest train/tube?

Scratch that, its going to be Bromley by bow, which is a pain in the arse yo get to.

Thats the wrong bromley gink.

You're after Bromely South station if you're coming from Bedford.

Oooh not quite so bad. Will think about it then. Getting the train at 7am aint too bad....

Whats the nearest train/tube?

Scratch that, its going to be Bromley by bow, which is a pain in the arse yo get to.

Thats the wrong bromley gink.

You're after Bromely South station if you're coming from Bedford.

Oooh not quite so bad. Will think about it then. Getting the train at 7am aint too bad....

Would be great if you join us, if you haven't secured a ticket already.

Paradice is just a 5min walk from the station, so easy to reach after your arrival at Bromley South station.

We have currently 4 tickets left, after a couple drop-outs.

Crossing my fingers for a full 32 players :)

Do you still have some tickets left? It is very tempting to come, but I have to take 1.5 hr journey and change train twice...Also I'm casual player (never been to tournament) so I don't now how I will withstand 12 hrs of playing + 4 hrs of commuting...

Do you still have some tickets left? It is very tempting to come, but I have to take 1.5 hr journey and change train twice...Also I'm casual player (never been to tournament) so I don't now how I will withstand 12 hrs of playing + 4 hrs of commuting...

We have just a few tickets left with 28 players already signed-up.

I am sure Paradice's excellent food and drink service will help you through what could otherwise be a taxing day of Armada!

Fun fact, my own commute is an 1h. And I live in London :D

Edited by florianhess

hey i would love to join something with more people and learn but its just to **** far for me to travel (3 hours on the quick train at least and 4-5 on the one that stops more) so not gonna happen just wish there was more up north


28 players made it down to Warboar in Bromley, making us the biggest independent Armada tournament in the UK!

We are already well into the first round and will post more updates and pictures throughout the day.

Faction breakdown:

- 13 Empire

- 15 Rebels


Edited by florianhess




Rieekan 5
Madine 1
Ackbar 2
Dodonna 5
Mon Mothma 1
Cracken 1


Motti 3
Tagge 1
Screed 5
Ozzel 2
Tarkin 1
Vader 1


Edited by florianhess


Round 4 started on schedule and we are looking at a very tight top 8 after round 3.

Only 3 TP separate the currently ranked 1st player to the 8th player.

Everything is still possible!



Final standings!

Massive congratulations to Nigel Gray claiming the 1st London Masters title!

He was closely followed by Warboars own Jonathan Sharpling , while surprise player Przemo Paluszyński managed in an intense and worthy very last game of the day to put himself just one tournament point ahead of the at that point undefeated national champion Laurence Evanson .

Top 8 lists inbound.

Thanks you all so much for taking part in this endeavour and having made it the amazing day it was. You rock!


Edited by florianhess

Any forumites make this? Do we have any lists or AARs forthcoming?

Good to see the Alliance at the top where they belong. :)

There are a few in that list Ard. The obvious one being TheCallum. SmurfWedge will be in there too and some others.

Its disheartening to see that Laurence is still in the top spots. I really hoped that the new toys in wave 3 and 4 would be a bit of a roadblock for him. His is the list I am interested in.

Once again Florian, fantastic tournament, look forward to the next.

Personally, I had a horrendous game 2 vs Jon who came second, got 10-1'd against a nasty fireball/demo list.

I don't think I was going to win big in that game, the matchup was the worst for my fleet, but I made some stupid mistakes and Jon's demo was excellently piloted to exploit.

Nice to know even an 7-4 or 8-3 loss, which I think I could've achieved, would've put me up a fair bit.

It was a fantastic day. Really impressed with the organisation and the players.i would highly recommend attending if there's another one.

I was there as a player and a sponsor (I donated some of the component trays I've been making under the name "Mag-Deck"). Fist game was against a 6 Gozanti bomber list which destroyed me as it was the hard counter to my twin liberty squadron-lite list. The rest of the games went fairly well though.

Big thanks to everyone there (and hi to any forum members I met but don't know who you are on here).

Edited by ManInTheBox

There are a few in that list Ard. The obvious one being TheCallum. SmurfWedge will be in there too and some others.

Its disheartening to see that Laurence is still in the top spots. I really hoped that the new toys in wave 3 and 4 would be a bit of a roadblock for him. His is the list I am interested in.

I'm sorry to disappoint you...