Summer Kit Tournament
This summer, I could only make it out to one summer kit tournament. I had a blast, and it was really quite fun. The people were great, and although it was small, it meant everyone got some sort of prize. I brought Danaroo- Corran, Wes, and Biggs. Ripped straight from dhars, Wes had R3-A2, though I found in my meta that BB-8 may have been a much better choice.
Danaroo (100)
Corran Horn (42) - E-Wing
Veteran Instincts (1), R2-D2 (4), Fire Control System (2)
Biggs Darklighter (26) - X-Wing
R4-D6 (1), Integrated Astromech (0)
Wes Janson (32) - X-Wing
Veteran Instincts (1), R3-A2 (2), Integrated Astromech (0)
Round 1 - Josh
Scum (100)
Kath Scarlet (47) - Firespray-31
Opportunist (4), Inertial Dampeners (1), Engine Upgrade (4)
Bossk (53) - YV-666
Calculation (1), "Mangler" Cannon (4), Outlaw Tech (2), Recon Specialist (3), Dead Man's Switch (2), Hound's Tooth (6)
So this was my first matchup. It was a little scary seeing Kath and her potential 6 dice primary out the sux arc. So my opponent and I basically set up in a straight joust on the Firespray. Bossk came in at a very slight angle, and bumped Kath during the second round of fire. Biggs survived the first round of firing thanks to Wes stealing Bossk's focus tokens. After the second round, Bossk did a full stop and got his singular focus. Kath moved forward bit, and blocked Corran and Wes bumped on Corran. Biggs went down after taking a shot from Bossk this round. Kath opted to take her range one shot on Wes, out the back arc with no mods. My opponent somehow managed to roll 2 focus and 4 blanks. It was quite unfortunate really. In the next couple of turns, Wes stressed Kath and she could no longer activate opportunist. She still managed to damage Wes to 2 hull after some time. Corran ended up cleaning up Kath with 3 hits, and then 1 hit 2 crits on the second shot. Bossk at this point was starting to try and turn away, but Corran and Wes managed to sneak out of his arc and Corran regenned most of the damage he accrued. Wes went down, and then right after that Corran finished off Bossk.
Round 2
Engine Upgrade
This match was a slaughter. Right before I had started this, I had been discussing the potential issue with making Biggs be off on his own and then turning away from the joust. I had decided that this was a good idea, but ended up separating Corran & Biggs from Wes during set up. This came back to bite me when I couldn't commit to either Manaroo or Beta. Another issue I had was that Corran veered off behind a space debris and took a stress and couldn't k turn on a pivotal turn.
Basically my flying was terrible and I deserved this loss. Corran and Biggs stripped a total of 1 shield from IG-88B. It didn't help that I failed to roll any evades that matter this match, as if I did evaded IG's HLC, he got to just fire again. This was a brutal match, and my opponent eventually went on to grab second place.
Round 3
Lothal Rebel
This was actually a fun game. The rocks ended up being placed mostly on my opponent's side of the map, meaning Dash's ability was basically useless. Anyway, my opponent had to place the Lothal rebel first. I had placed Biggs at about at 45 degree angle from it. Corran and Wes flanked Biggs. Dash ended up on the opposite side of the map, and both the big ships were about range one away from each of the board edges.
The first few rounds of maneuvers were slow rolling, and Dash took a pot shot at Biggs for 2 damage (I didn't even have to use R4-D6's ability!). Knowing that Biggs would probably die in the next turn or two, all my ships turned toward the Ghost and between Corran's double tap, Biggs rolling 3 hits, and Wes hitting for 3, the ghost was already on it's last legs. After some Kturns from everyone but Dash, Wes split fire from the ghost to pull off Dash's TL from Biggs, ensuring that Dash couldn't do more than two average damage. Thankfully my green dice were rolling well, and Biggs avoided all damage from Dash. Biggs then took out the Ghost. In the next couple of rounds, Wes fell to the heavy laser cannon because he was just shy of R1 of Biggs. Biggs took 3 hits from an HLC and buggered off. Corran eventually regenned from being shieldless after Biggs bolted. Corran was facing away from Dash, at full after doing a K turn. Dash was just barely at range 3 of a 1 hull Biggs. I think you know how that story ended. Corran eventually came to meet Dash, and placed himself into his donut hole. This let Corran basically do the 10 required damage on his own over the course of three turns.
Win, 100-42
This was a fun tournament, but it was way too short. I found out I just can't stand the three round format. I really think I started to hit my stride on that last game, and would have been able to face down the triple X7 defender list that was undefeated had I played it.