I have a couple of questions because it seems that my player who plays an Assault Marine feels as if he's left behind in combat. The Kill Team all low level Marine in ranks 1-3 and while for example the Devastator and Librarian can unleash powers like there are no stopping to them, he can at best cut up a few mooks and either get overwhelmed by Hordes and die or see his attacks bounce off the TB and armor of most powerful enemies, and then die.
So what kind of builds can be recommended to make a Assault Marine that can put out some hurt in lower ranks?
One problem with this is that I think there might be that I have made to much use of hordes, so for that reason I would ask for ideas about how to balanace between hordes and single targets so that melee characters won't feel as if they are trailing behind the range-focused Specialities, as these latter can cut down hordes like the Grim Reaper himself.