This is going to seem a bit weird, maybe, but what are some of the alternative ways in which a person of import can die, in 40K? Obviously, death by violence is the most likely, probably, for those who serve aboard ships of the Expanse, be they Navy, Pirates, or the Rogue Traders who fall in between, but what else might happen?
Some people, in 40K, can live for a long time, and for the rich, and well to do, drug treatments, cybernetic augmentations, and the frequent attentions of a Medicae, or Genetor, can keep them going for possibly even 300 years. I'm not entirely sure what strange, sci-fi ailments they might have, that we don't, so I'm not sure how powerful Imperium medicine is, to those with access to it.
For me, the crux of this issue is trying to figure out what happened to my Rogue Trader's father, and predecessor to the Warrant. in my head, it seems sort of unlikely for the acting dynast to step down, unless he is in the worst of health, and this certainly won't work here, as Antoss Qel-Drake practically hated his son, seeing him as a ridiculous lay-about, uninterested in killing xenos, fighting the God-Emperor's wars, and making a tidy profit off both. He certainly is dead, and his ship, sidearm, and body, are accounted for; Aedan uses the ship, and his father's body, and Dragon's Wrath , are in stasis, as is the spendy custom of the line. Thing is, he was an angry, dour warmonger, so I don't see him "just dying", he wasn't particularly old (maybe 130, maybe less), but he didn't die in a messy battle, either. Not much into drugs, or vices, and with a body left to be frozen in stasis, and viewable.
What other types of ways might people still die, in 40k? What might their medical tech fail to catch? To stop? He certainly did things to attract enemies, human and xenos, but I can't figure out, in my head, what to say he died of. Maybe a simple heart attack, but rich, and with doctors, or maybe something more like Guilliman, but tuned down, and he obviously didn't make it?
So, where this might actually help other people, and not just me, if you are playing the Rogue Trader, what usually happened to your predecessor? If you have their ship, and their Warrant, what occurred to bring this about? I figure it is a little detail you probably should know, unless no one is the RT, or you are taking distant orders from the personage, elsewhere. If you aren't the first to have your Warrant, what sorts of ways have you gone through to inherit it? Thanks much.