The Big Destiny trade Thread

By JoeVandal49, in Star Wars: Destiny

I'm located in Hamilton, ON, Canada

All i need is:

DH-17 Blaster Pistol

For Trade

Outpost x2
Comlink x2
Data Pad
Blackmarket x2


The Best Defense x2
Nowhere to Run x3
Ace in the Hole
Fight Dirty
Underworld Connections
Commando Raid
It's a Trap
Return of the Jedi
Daring Escape x2
Hyperspace Jump x2
Let the Wookie Win
Shoot First
Second Chance
Flank x2
Echo Base
Emperor's Throne Room

Successful trades:



Edited by Neemo305
Deleting duplicate post. Please see my trade/want list on page 1.

Edited by Markspinner


Edited by Ezzet

If anyone is interested in a big star wars destiny lot.

This is not a thread to sell cards please remove this auction from your post.


Edited by skins1924

Located in Ontario Canada

I have a thermal detonator which I would like to trade for two jango fett

And a jet pack direct message me for more information

Edited by frisco

Including dice obviously

Edited by frisco

Looking to trade some legendaries for a Vader or two. I have:

Commanding Presence

Crime Lord



Launch Bay




Thermal Detonator

I also have a set of the acrylic resource tokens that I might be willing to part with, for the right price.

NM/M only; my TD has been played with once, everything else has been safely stowed in my binder straight from the pack. Looking for even trades (I use MM for comparative purposes). Local in SoCal, but I'll consider postage options.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH


Edited by n3ctaris

Cash sales and advertisements are against the FFG forum terms of service. I recommend you try Craigslist or the 'bay.

Reporting great trades with bmf, Wiredin, and Phocion!

Updated to SOR on page 9!

Edited by TheKhan74

message sent TheKhan



Darth Vader x1

Han Solo x1

Jabba the Hutt x1
One with the Force x2


Admiral Ackbar x1

Force Training x2

More than willing to trade multiple rares (and or a legendary and rare(s)) for the Legendaries I'm looking for. Thanks!

Edited by darthmarch

Reporting great trade with TheKhan74!

Couple of questions:

1. Any word on a trading sub-forum? This format barely works for games that feature far less trading than a CCG.

2. Is the OP tracking successful trades? We should have the first post keeping track of them, especially since there are so many new accounts being created, apparently, to try and participate in trading.

On to my own needs... these are pending a bit, as I may be grabbing a box, or may be trading to a buddy soon, but, for now:


One With the Force x1


Promotion x2

Infantry Grenade x2

Diplomatic Immunity x2

Rey's Staff x2

Scout x1

Count Dooku x1


(Section Pending)


(Section Pending)





General Grievous x2

Holocron x2

Jetpack x2

Tusken Raider

I'm not willing to trade with someone with a new account, however. If anyone needs to see confirmed trade cred on my end, the X-Wing trade thread has me confirmed two or three times.

EDIT: Pulled some additional cards this weekend (basically all my wants [i updated that area now] and a second Jabba, so I guess I can actually use the big guy now. I need to re-evaluate this list when I have a moment).

Edited by ArbitraryNerd

Current List as of 2/22/2017

Open to trading for Star Wars LCG playmats, would trade all my extras for an Ahsoka! (let me dream) Also have Game of Thrones 2.0 (2 cores and everything through the first 3 packs of the Five Kings cycle) that I'd be willing to trade towards what I'm missing.



Kylo Ren x2
Immobilize x3
Infiltrate x2
Jedi Robes x2
Survival gear X4
Black market
DL-44 X2
Rebel Trooper

It's a Trap
Echo Base X2
Emperors Throne Room... I don't even know what I have anymore, just ask if there's something you're after

Kylo's Lighsaber x2

Force Throw X2


Completed great trades with ysvxgxm and wiredin

Edited by KillahKwad

Couple of questions:

2. Is the OP tracking successful trades? We should have the first post keeping track of them, especially since there are so many new accounts being created, apparently, to try and participate in trading.

The X-Wing Forum does this and it's very important to have the someone tracking it preferably the original poster. If not them someone near the beginning of the thread.

Reporting a successful trade with SWO Daddy. Cool guy, 10/10 would trade with again.

Still looking for another NM/M Vader, here's my updated to-trade list:

Crime Lord




Thermal Detonator

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

WonderWAAAGH , great meeting you today! Thanks for the trade. Would absolutely trade again (10/10)!

Let's stay in touch and find a chance to play a game or two next time!

Absolutely, I'm looking forward to the opportunity.

Until next set, Spirit of Rebellion...

May The Force Be With You;


Edited by johnwiser

WANTED (card/die combo):

2- Han Solo


Edited by VanderLegion

2x Force Choke


1x On The Hunt (Pending)

2x Cunning (Pending)

2x Padme (Pending)

1x Gaffi Stick (Pending)

1x Promotion (Pending)


1x Willpower (Pending)

2x No Mercy (Pending)

1x Its a Trap! (Pending)

1x All In (Pending)



1x Han Solo (Pending)

1x Luke Skywalker

1x Luke's Lightsaber

1x Millenium Falcon

1x Launch Bay


2x Bala Tik

1x Admiral Ackbar

2x DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol

3x Nightsister

2x General Veers

1x Tusken Raider

1x Diplomatic Immunity

2x BB8

1x FO Tie Fighter

1x Immobilize

1x Outpost

3x Jedi Robes

1x Infantry Grenades

2x FO Stormtrooper

1x Black Market


2x Ace In The Hole

2x Anticipate

1x Confiscation

1x Daring Escape

1x Emperor's Throne Room

1x Force Strike

1x Hidden In Shadow

2x Let The Wookie Win

2x Local Garrison

1x Nowhere to Run

1x Play The Odds

2x Prized Possession

2x Return of the Jedi

2x Supporting Fire

2x The Best Defense

Edited by VanderLegion

Just opened a box. Here are the extra rares I got. Looking to trade for the following (with respect to epics I will trade a number of rares to add up to the value of any given epic): (1) Darth Vader x2 (most important); (2) Crime Lord x1; (3) Kylo's Saber x1

Please pm me with offers.

I also have lots of uncomons and need one electroshock.

For Trade List:
Holocron x1
Datapad x1
Force Training x2
Jango Fat x1
Tusken Raider x2
Comlink x1
Qui-Gon Jinn x1
Outpost x2
DL-44 Heavy Blaster Rifle x1
Jedi Robes x1
Diplomatic Immunity x1
Infiltrate x1
Leia x1
Bala Tik x2
Admiral Ackbar x3
General Veers x2
Immobilize x2
Rey's Staff x1

On 1/23/2017 at 0:09 AM, johnwiser said:

WANTED (card/die combo):

2- Han Solo

HAVE (card/die combo):


1- Darth Vader

2- Captain Phasma

1- Millennium Falcon

1- Launch Bay

1- Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber

1- Kylo Ren's Lightsaber

1- AT-ST

1- One With The Force


1- Leia Organa

2- Admiral Ackbar

2- Qui-Gon Jinn

2- Padme Amidala

2- Jango Fett

2- Count Dooku

4- Tusken Raider

2- Bala-Tik

2- General Grievous

2-General Veers

1- Rebel Trooper

2- First Order Stormtrooper

1- Nightsister

2- Padawan

3- Datapad

2- Promotion

2- Jetpack

2- Flame Thrower

2- IDA-11 Blaster Rifle

2- Diplomatic Immunity

2- Gaffi Stick

2- Black Market

1- Holdout Blaster

3- Sith Holocron

2- Force Training

2- Cunning

2- On The Hunt

2- Speeder Bike Scout

3- Comlink

As we all know there are cards valued higher than others. Perfect example: Darth Vader is the highest valued card/die ( and has been since day one.). This is where trading can get rather...difficult. However fear not as I am not that hard to trade with and rather enjoy the thrill that it brings. Does this mean I will trade say my Vader card/die combo for a Datapad? One can only wish and while you may be a Jedi in training, you are not that good nor am I that simple minded...LOL.

I hope a trade


Listing no longer valid.

Edited by RookiePilot
Trades made.

Reporting a successful trade with moose4747 . Brand new to the forum, but would absolutely recommend! Super fast shipping, great communication! 10/10! Would absolutely trade again and recommend.

My trade list on Page 2 has been updated.