Something big...

By Chimonas, in Runebound

What would you like to see in the next big box expansion of Runebound?

- 2 more bosses

- more encounter cards for the different decks

- new game board or game attachment (like the eldritch/talisman boards) - a dungeon maybe?

- laser etched terrain dice

- 4 more heroes

- more skill cards

The most important thing I want so see is...the next big box expansion. :)

More PvP options. While Fall of the Dark Star is nice... We need moar!!!

New map would also be a nice addition. I'll enjoy visiting other cities quoted in Terrinoth universe games: Greyhaven, Nerekhall, Bilehall, etc.

Elf-oriented or Uthuk-oriented campaign would be also nice.

A new map that connects with the old one.. So maybe a crossover scenario as well..

New bosses and heroes goes without saying...

New board would be awesome...but dunno how i'd prefer it. Maybe a second territory to explore or an extension of the the main board...either way a BIG expansion would be awesome.

Ya. I second a new board that connects with the old one. I thought maybe a nightmare world or something! And something to add variety to the endgame.

Between Runebound, Rune Age, Descent and the next in line RuneWars Minis Game, I'm well invested in this setting, so anything that further expands the "runiverse" would be pretty cool.

A new board would be awesome (the board was part of the reason I bought the game to start with, gorgeous artwork).

I'd love to see scenarios that doesn't end with "kill the bad guy". Something creative, maybe a scenario that evolves around players working together to complete the objective...

I'd like to see an expansion that explores the nature of the Ynfernael and the Aenlong, personally. Maybe include Gargan Mirklace as one of the villains of the scenario (though like other posters have said, I'd like to see more scenarios that don't just involve beating the baddie).

I think a big box expansion should include at least 3-6 new heroes. None of the existing heroes are popular with my gaming group. We need some Varikas or Steelhorns, some warrior women, some more attractive male characters.

A new board with a different setting would be absolutely welcome. Perhaps a Bilehall expansion with undead themes.

But most of all, I want more flavor. I love the setting of Terrinoth and it'd be cool to see more about the gods, the individual figureheads, and just every day life in general.

I was thinking maybe something with the elves. It would be a good opportunity to flesh them out a bit + could work with simultaneous releases of other factional products in the other Terrinoth games (such as their eventual appearance in Rune Wars: Miniatures).

Also, I want more info on who those Deep Elves are.

All of that being said, I'm quite curious on how they would handle movement with an expansion board. Roll more dice when using it? Replace the base board with the expansion? I'm just not sure on how they could balance it properly.

Edited by Valadar

One thing though: need more dwarves!

More Heroes. Runebound 2nd edition came with 12. Isle of Dread and Midnight had 8 each. Frozen Wastes, Sands of Al-Kalim, Mists of Zanga and Dungeonquest had 6 each. There were 4 Promo heroes. Total of 56 heroes.

I understand playtesting and balancing is important, but give us more options, please.

The ability to steal from the store.

An option to cash in trophies for gold instead of just skills

A skill set that focuses on social stuff (haggle the price of stuff cheaper at stores, get more money for goods, etc)

Oh, and firearms.

The ability to steal from the store.

An option to cash in trophies for gold instead of just skills

A skill set that focuses on social stuff (haggle the price of stuff cheaper at stores, get more money for goods, etc)

Oh, and firearms.

These are golden!

+1 to all.

I'd like to see an expansion that explores the nature of the Ynfernael and the Aenlong, personally. Maybe include Gargan Mirklace as one of the villains of the scenario (though like other posters have said, I'd like to see more scenarios that don't just involve beating the baddie).

I think a big box expansion should include at least 3-6 new heroes. None of the existing heroes are popular with my gaming group. We need some Varikas or Steelhorns, some warrior women, some more attractive male characters.

A new board with a different setting would be absolutely welcome. Perhaps a Bilehall expansion with undead themes.

But most of all, I want more flavor. I love the setting of Terrinoth and it'd be cool to see more about the gods, the individual figureheads, and just every day life in general.

Who are the Aenlong? That's not a name I'm familiar with. We're definitely getting more flavour though, they said at Gencon there will be Runebound universe books. So no worries there!

I don't think a board EXPANSION would be a good plan. The game is quite short, I don't know how much you'd get to move around in it. Another board would be wonderful though. And as someone said earlier I'd like it to explore the Uthuk Y'lann since they're only in Battlelore/Old Runewars and need some more flavour.

I feel like they're positioning Varikas to Dead as an actual villain now but throw in One Fist or Steelhorns and I'd be happy. There's also bunch of elf heroes who are women that could be added and that would be nice. Especially since our existing elf is absolute trash as a hero.

Edited by Taear

We're definitely getting more flavour though, they said at Gencon there will be Runebound universe books. So no worries there!

Tell us more :D

We're definitely getting more flavour though, they said at Gencon there will be Runebound universe books. So no worries there!

Tell us more :D

There's not much more that we know of. During his InFlight report, Chris said that The Worlds of Android book was well received, and that they want to promote better their own IPs, so that it's legit to speculate that they'll finally invest time in developing the lore of their different worlds.

In the light of the recent events, one could speculate also that they knew the breakup with GW was imminent and that they have now the need to promote better their IPs to promote in general their lines

Would love a villain/scenario that takes longer than the current ones - that keeps adding a token to monsters every act (so at least 2 added by the end). It would just make it a single more act, but even that would be nice.

I sometimes want the game to go a bit longer.

After a few plays this weekend i'd like more efficient ways to make money and maybe something that would remove the timer...cause every games I did so far have always felt underwhelming and borderline boring because of this. On the point of money, we found that you absolutely need to buy gear asap if you want to stand a chance against what's coming to you and sometimes money is pretty hard to come by and you lose a lot of time trying to get some.

And due to the event deck/time track mechanic it's pretty hard to come up with a house rule to play longer games.

So my new wish is: an Epic mode where they come up with neutral Story Cards to lenghten the game.

Edited by SolennelBern


if you want longer games, simply play a "pre-act 1" part, starting with the time token halfway along the time track. Treat story spaces as normal space, and adventure roaming the board.

As for the gold: in a game you should be able to gain between 15 and 22 gold on average, enough to afford at least one very good piece of equipment and some extra gear to take down the bad guy. True that the game is a sort of pressure cooker: you have time to do what needed, but you can't waste actions roaming around because otherwise you'll lose. Thus, my initial suggestion

There would have to be a mechanism that makes the end boss and other enemies harder too, which is why I made the suggestion I did.

If I want a game to be longer, my plan is to add an extra act and add one of the decent item tokens to the monster/villian rolls during that act - so all monsters will have 2 extra tokens by that point (and the end villian will have 3). It will make it extra hard though - if needed, I'll change it to 2 extra acts to give more time to build up if we find it's not enough time.

I'll let you know how it goes if I get the chance to try it out.

As an aside, the easiest way to get great gear quickly is to utterly ignore quests and just mill the store for goods and run them in on your turn to the closest locations possible. It isn't very fun or thematic, mind you, but you will absolutely be the person most likely to beat the brains out of the final encounter because tossing extra tokens with positive effects from gear trumps the vast majority of skills in the game.

Edited by Flamespeak

Id like every expansion to come with 1 of each board token as spare! green purple red!

so so worried i'm going to lose one!

new board or board overlays?

i wish the dark shard crystal one came with a nuked hill/crator Tamiliar tile.

may a time expansion one where forrest and elves rules the an over lay tile would expand all the know forrests may blocking out of the cites..

and you could quest thought the 1st age the 2nd age and 3rd age

Id like every expansion to come with 1 of each board token as spare! green purple red!

so so worried i'm going to lose one!

That's actually not a bad idea at all..