Fantasy Flight Ends Warhammer License

By, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

1) It wasn't really the exact same system. EotE got rid of the party sheets, the action cards, the talent socketing, and a number of other things which some people hadn't liked.

Sure you do, there just aren't any cards for it, instead you have to look it up in the book on a hierarchy tree. Turn them into cards and put them on the table and you have the same system. You also have a party sheet, it was just called "your ship".

Really the only thing that was missing was the stance and the action cards, but both of those mechanics where very genre specific, as you mention in point 3 and I agree with you, some system/mechanics are very genre specific making sense in one setting and none at all in another. I think stance and abilities where definitely a very fantasy type thing in particular given that most of them where very super natural.

Really the only thing that was missing was the stance and the action cards, but both of those mechanics where very genre specific, as you mention in point 3 and I agree with you, some system/mechanics are very genre specific making sense in one setting and none at all in another. I think stance and abilities where definitely a very fantasy type thing in particular given that most of them where very super natural.

Oh, I don't know. Conservative/Reckless could definitely be used for some kind of Light Side / Dark Side flavoured mechanic instead. But then I haven't tested the SW system. I am a bit curious about it but realize I'm just not interested enough in the setting to spend the money and run a game in it.

Edited by Ralzar

The biggest evolution from WFRP 3.0 to the FFG Star Wars system is the Dice. They rebalanced the entire set, making success much easier with a smaller dice pool, and removing more of the blank sides. The "Average" characteristic was lowered from 3 to 2, resulting in smaller dice pools to begin with. The weight of the positive and negative luck symbols where changed too, with them having a greater effect in SW (Advantage/Disadvantage vs Boon/Bane). The combining of Wounds, Fatigue and Stress into Wounds and Strain also simplified things for PC's quite a bit. Then the Destiny Point mechanic added to Star Wars has a much greater mechanical impact than the Fortune Point.

As far as removing the Action/Talent cards that was a major change to replace with Talent Trees. Talents in Star Wars have a much more focused application, without all the "spend x on y" the action card system had. But the biggest effect this has on the game is simplifying choices for PC's when spending XP. Instead of diving through hundreds of double sided potential cards, and agonising over possible choices, the Player has a single sheet of paper with everything they need to know for advancement on it. A much more user friendly experience.

All around its a much easier system to play, and a Fantasy version of it would be far superior to 3rd Ed, a hard thing to admit since I love the 3rd ed system. If FFG do bring out a new Narrative Dice system i can see myself re-skining it to WFRP quite happily.

Ooooh, that sounds so nice. It's tempting to buy into SW to test it out and maybe make my own WFRP v3.1

I tink playing SW might ruin WFRP for me because all I'll see is how much better SW works.

Ooooh, that sounds so nice. It's tempting to buy into SW to test it out and maybe make my own WFRP v3.1

I tink playing SW might ruin WFRP for me because all I'll see is how much better SW works.

Ralzar, you may want to check Zweihander since they are going to adapt wfrp3 dice to their WFRP retro clone (which has lots of inspiration from the good part of wfrp3)

I just bought a pack of dice from my FLGS, and I was surprised that they had any. But since there will never be any more I jumped at the chance.